• Dungeons and Dragons,  Network Printing

    3D Print A Dinosaur!

    It’s not an Ankylosaurus, it’s a Paleoscincus. It’s on Thingiverse at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5424027 This is part of the Monster Manual project I’ve been working on. Hope you enjoy! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nAJ4y2JxQU2lb6jWOzqU9GdQtHIS4Z3P3NDHgOMEE9I/edit?usp=sharing

  • Swift

    Apple Design Resources

    One of my favorite things about swiftui is how easy it is to pull in clean and beautiful iconography. I’m happy to go screw it up by crowding interfaces and building crap UI. Apple can’t make me a good designer. But they can arm me with plenty of tools to get there. One of the most impactful for me is the SF Symbols font, which can be downloaded at https://developer.apple.com/sf-symbols/. There are others to manipulate svg files and other formats, but the beauty of SF Symbols is that it’s simple to change size, color, placement, and even multiple colors concurrently (some fonts are multi-colored). For example, let’s say I want…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security

    Disable Disk Image Verification On Mac

    Sometimes you have to mount a whole lot of disk images (like a script that fires up 9,999 and proceeds to sing the bottles of beer on the wall song but instead transposes those lyrics with “disks images to verify” and we can all understand how excruciating it would be to get down to 0) and just don’t want the Mac to verify each one. To disable that, send skip-verify key with a value of true(so a Boole) into com.apple.frameworks.diskimages as follows: defaults write com.apple.frameworks.diskimages skip-verify -bool true Or course, interacting with corrupt objects is bad if any corruption occurs so run it again with a false to disable that…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security

    Secure Keyboard Entry on macOS

    The Secure Keyboard Entry option has been in Terminal going back almost a decade. Secure Keyboard Entry was added as EnableSecureEventInput way back in Mac OS X 10.3 and was developed to protect the more sensitive inputs people provided, so also made into a public API. It was meant to protect the more sensitive types of data so if we had a login screen with a password field or something else, we’d protect those with it. The purpose was to lock what other processes could use the GetKeys function (once used to write keystroke loggers), tap the IOHIDDeviceInterace and IOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice processes or tap any events that involved any HID system…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security

    Disable Safari Extension Updates During Development

    I’ve been experimenting with Safari Extensions for awhile ( https://github.com/krypted/Word-Replacer-Safari-Extension ) and once we publish them we might need to continue to use an old version for testing. Extension updates can then be deleted by writing a boolean InstallExtensionUpdatesAutomatically key into the com.apple.Safari defaults domain and setting the option to false: defaults write com.apple.Safari InstallExtensionUpdatesAutomatically -bool false To remove the key and simply return to the default state: defaults delete com.apple.Safari InstallExtensionUpdatesAutomatically

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server

    Clear that QuickLook Cache

    Seems like just yesterday that I first wrote about using Apple’s QuickLook from the command line. And yet it’s been eight years: https://krypted.com/mac-security/qlmanage/. Guess time flies when you’re having fun. One thing that isn’t fun is when all of a sudden QuickLook stops generating previews for objects when you hit that space bar, or just provides a generic preview. I’ve been working with a lot of more resource intensive file types recently, like .stl files and these can clog the system up. Luckily, filling up the cache, or getting corrupted objects in the cache is something Apple planned for and this is cleaned during a reboot as part of standard…

  • Dungeons and Dragons

    3D Print The Monster Manual Sheet Updated

    I posted this earlier but it got a bunch of updates so thought I’d post it again. Here’s a link for a Google Sheet to download the stl file for every creature in the 1st Edition Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nAJ4y2JxQU2lb6jWOzqU9GdQtHIS4Z3P3NDHgOMEE9I The first version would have cost about $50 to buy some of the .stl files to print creatures and I didn’t break out all the sub-creations. For example, for Lycanthropes I just did one, but now there’s a seperate tab for dragons, demons, devils, golems, lycanthropes, dinosaurs, and giants. I added some new designs to get the cost to acquire all the .stl files down to $6 (it…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server

    Change Default Finder Views Using defaults

    We can manage the way the Finder displays objects using the FXPreferredViewStyle key in the com.apple.finder defaults domain. There are four options in the Finder drop-down for view style and these are Icons (icnv), List (nlsv), Columns (clmv), and Gallery (glyv). Given that only communists use anything other than the list view, we’re going to set the default to that with a simple defaults command: defaults write com.apple.finder FXPreferredViewStyle -string "nlsv" To undo our change and allow it to default to the last view, we can simply delete the key: defaults delete com.apple.finder FXPreferredViewSTyle

  • Dungeons and Dragons,  Gaming

    STL to print a Lynx

    Posted a lynx .stl and Zbrush file up to Thingiverse (see below) at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5418854 for anyone interested. Coloring is a little different and the tail is longer if anyone needs a bobcat. Modeled a tad bit after my cat Fredo, who’s also got some chubby cat thighs. If you imagine the trouble a lynx would get into living in a house, that’s pretty much him. Although he fetches as well as the dog does and we’ve trained him to sit maybe 75% of the time. So he’s not all bad. Much blood was had before he learned to be careful with his claws (he’s almost two and that wasn’t really…