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    Why I Joined The Board Of Minnestar

    This pretty much sums up everything I love about all of the Minnestar events. They’re fun, instructive, inclusive, expansive, and all around rad experiences. These are the types of events that make people smarter, more empathetic, and well rounded humans. The innovation and new ideas is always inspiring.

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    Curl App/Framework for iOS

    Built Detect Thoughts for web developers to test their own code from an iPhone. This is a free app in its compiled form but it’s also meant to easily be dropped into other Swift projects to add (as an example) a developer mode. The source is at https://github.com/krypted/DevModeCuRL and the compiled version has now been posted to the App Store at https://apps.apple.com/us/app/detect-thoughts/id1635176129. Detect Thoughts takes the logic from a curl command and makes it simple to send a query to a standard REST endpoint on a web server. It supports GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods. It also supports Bearer token authentication, basic auth, and OAuth 2 (although that might be considered a…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac Security

    LSAppInfo can’t hide processes but it’s still useful

    Once upon a time we could hide a process from users: lsappinfo setinfo -app BackgroundRootkitOfDoom ApplicationType=UIElement 1 I’m not sure when that got removed but it’s probably for the best. There were was to hide everything, like users and groups (UID below 500 or insert an _ in front of the username), objects on the file system, etc. Then people abused what admins used for various workflows and much of that has since been removed. The lsappinfo binary is still pretty useful, though. The simplest incantation would be to just list what’s running: lsappinfo list The output has the bundleID and the bundle, the executable, pid and some other metadata.…

  • MacAdmins Podcast

    How Signing and Privacy Xcode Options For Developers Translate to MacAdmins

    We had Greg Neagle on the MacAdmins Podcast last night and I found myself struggling with a few words because in some cases what we see in Xcode doesn’t match the terminology we use in device management. Insert a little stammering around to try and phrase things properly… A few minor details about the structure of an Xcode project. The name of the project is the top level of the hierarchy on the left. A lot of what matters in device management is how a project is signed and the making sure we can provide the ability to run a project and the capabilities the project needs with the least…

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    Virtual Currency Laws Per US State

    Virtual Currency is often decentralized (unless a given currency or blockchain is wholly owned by a given institution). Many seem to think this means there are no laws in the space. Sure, John Perry Barlow could tell governments of the world that they have no control over the internet in his “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace” and proponents of web3 or DEFI have room to experiment with a new currency. Decentralized is not the same as unregulated. Turns out we’ve been electronically sending funds (or objects with a monetary value) for a time, so each state as either created a statute or provided interpretation of existing statutes. These…

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    Hieracosphinx .stl

    Just posted a Hieracosphinx .stl to print the last creature in the Monster Manual project I’ve been working on at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5426945. To access the full project check out https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nAJ4y2JxQU2lb6jWOzqU9GdQtHIS4Z3P3NDHgOMEE9I/edit#gid=0. I only posted some of them on Thingiverse, and most of mine pale in comparison to the amazing work I’ve managed to print and paint that was done by others. I have benefited so much from things other people put out there so post all of mine free of copyright. Heck, I know the license they apply says to attribute the work but I don’t need that. I wouldn’t mind seeing how much better others paint these, though! <3