Dungeons and Dragons,  Gaming

STL to print a Lynx

Posted a lynx .stl and Zbrush file up to Thingiverse (see below) at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5418854 for anyone interested. Coloring is a little different and the tail is longer if anyone needs a bobcat. Modeled a tad bit after my cat Fredo, who’s also got some chubby cat thighs. If you imagine the trouble a lynx would get into living in a house, that’s pretty much him. Although he fetches as well as the dog does and we’ve trained him to sit maybe 75% of the time. So he’s not all bad. Much blood was had before he learned to be careful with his claws (he’s almost two and that wasn’t really that long ago). All my blood, btw. Watching the boarder collie try to herd him can be amusing, especially when the dog knows he’s being naughty. He is sweet though. He always wants to be with a person, isn’t standoffish like the other cat, and sometimes he snuggles up to the dog. Also, he likes to attack the dog’s tail. I enjoy that. The dog doesn’t notice; it’s a bushy tail. Also he eats plants. Like he murdered all the plants in the house. Including a cactus. I have no idea how he ate the cactus. Carefully, I suppose. He tries to still the other cat’s food. And the dog’s food. The dog is pretty cool with him. And he shredded under the bed and will try and go up in the box spring. He’s murdered every insect that’s made it into the house. He starts crying for food 3 hours before dinner. He’s kinda’ the worst cat and yet sweet. He also killed all the cat toys. He sleeps behind the books on the bookcase. We call him a cat-dog (yet he’s no Moof). Anyway, here’s a lynx (or Fredo).

Note: Lynx is in the Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual if you’ve been following along with the series I’ve done on that