• Articles and Books

    My Latest Inc.com Article On Not Letting Those Huge New Clients Put Ya’ Out Of Business

    You work for weeks, months, or years to build a business that is killing it. Then you get a huge new customer. You feel like you’ve been put on the map. But then the reality sets in. Maybe you won the business because you’re innovative, less expensive, faster, etc. But now you start getting completely destroyed by the overhead of making those sweet, sweet dollars from that new customer. Wouldn’t it have been great to have known about a few things to ask about? My response includes a few tips on how to work with them, that just might save you some serious margin!. Check it out at http://www.inc.com/charles-edge/how-to-work-with-big-companies-without-getting-caught-in-red-tape.html.

  • Articles and Books,  Interviewing,  Mass Deployment,  Product Management,  public speaking,  Small Business

    Article on Content Strategy on Huffington Post

    I’ve been thinking a lot about content strategy and the why and when of how articles are posted. I’ll keep writing whatever I want, whenever, often times based on what I happen to be working on at that moment. In other words, I actually have no content strategy for krypted, and I don’t feel the need to implement one. But at least I explored it, thought about it, and got a few notes down for friends who do want one, or are thinking about it. That article went up on Huffington Post yesterday at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charles-edge/the-importance-of-having-_2_b_9563304.html. A snippet of the article: Search engine optimization (SEO) involves strategies and techniques that, when used properly,…

  • iPhone,  Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server

    My New Book on Apple Configurator

    My next book, coauthored with Mr. TJ Houston, is now available. The rough draft was mostly complete the week of MacSysAdmin in Sweden. I announced the book at the conference and was busy at work after to get as much as possible complete. And after many an hour and month spent editing this book (props to TJ for doing a lot of the editing), it’s finally  available on Packt Publishing. To quote the site, this is what the book is on: The Apple Configurator is an incredible piece of software which grants full control in mobile device management, but on a larger scale. The popularity of people taking their own…

  • Articles and Books,  personal,  sites

    2,000 Posts And Going Strong

    In December of 2004, in response to a request from my publisher at the time, I started this site in its current form. I kept the domain from my personal tinkeration site, which was a glorified file service, some static html pages for me to remember things (I can be a bit forgetful at times) and some .htaccess files to keep parts of the site private. I’d been using the domain for awhile, but started tinkering around with a few blogging engines and eventually settled on the one I’m using now. The total number of posts now sits a little over 2020, with a few being drafts on upcoming products…

  • Articles and Books

    The Elements of Style

    Strunk & White’s Elements of Style is one of the best works explaining the rules of writing in the English language that has ever existed (and I’m pretty sure that sentence broke at least five of those rules). I’ve given this book to many a budding writer over the years. I’ve also recently noticed that it’s now all over the Internet, for free. For example, Bartleby has posted the 1918 edition of Elements of Style here. If you haven’t read Elements of Style then I strongly recommend it. It’s short, concise and explains why that apostrophe goes in that one spot as opposed to the other. If you want to…

  • Articles and Books,  personal,  sites

    Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants

    I write a lot. There are the meanderings that appear on this site, the writing on the 318 TechJournal, more structured prose that goes into books (sometimes regrettably only slightly more structured), writing for clients, freelance writing, writing for other websites and even a bit of ghost writing here and there. Sometimes the writing is short, sometimes long, but there is a pretty consistent amount of it. The reason is because I enjoy it. Most of my writing is technical in nature. And like many who maybe learn a thing or two on my site I end up sharing tips or tricks from places that I no longer remember where…

  • Articles and Books


    If you’re making a bulleted list and you end an item with a period then all items need to end with a period.  Whether it’s a presentation or a paper.  Consistency folks…  Just so I don’t seem like I’m trying to be the smart one, my wife pointed it out awhile back in one of my presentations.  Now it’s a pet peeve…