• personal,  sites

    100+ New Blog Posts Now Available

    Sometimes I disappear for a bit to work on this project or that. But I tend to always be writing. I’m not sure if I’d classify it as an addiction at this point, or what… But there’s always something silly cooking. Not all productive or helpful, but you know, sometimes. So there should be at least one that’s helpful out of over 100 that I’ve posted over on the Secret Chest blog. Find those here! Random note: Did the same thing when launching Bushel. It’s a blast to think of new product categories and what’s adjacent and worthy of nerding out about! Want more about something specific – lemme know!…

  • personal

    Avatars and Chakras

    My daughter and I binge watched this cartoon a long time ago and I feel like this episode of a children’s cartoon explained “all the things” and so I share it with you. “You must balance yourself before you can balance the world.”

  • personal

    Stay Safe Out There!

    Posted an article on safety at things like rally’s (but pretty appropriate for other events as well) at http://www.notonmywatch.solutions/cedge318/some_tips_to_stay_safe_out_there The world is a funny place. You might be spreading the word of peace, tolerance, and kindness, but there’s a chance that others might not be so welcoming of your message. You have a message you want to spread, but you need to be safe in order to keep fighting the good fight out there. Safety can mean a lot of things, to a lot of different people. Each of us has a different tolerance to the challenges that surround us and seemingly varying degrees of threat levels to be concerned about. But…

  • personal

    Steampunk In 80 Movies Or Less

    Steampunk is a genre of fiction where technology advancements are steam powered, rather than electricity or nuclear powered. The term itself came in 1987 from K. W. Jeter, but the genre of fiction, and even of gadgetry in film had started long before that. I’ve always been drawn to Steampunk. The Victorian age, which much of Steampunk centers around, saw humanity grasping to understand the massive leaps made in the Age of Enlightenment, equal to the repercussions from the advances made in the Renaissance. Steampunk was before the dirt and grit brought about from the industrial revolution. This was art nouveau meets science fiction. Less than 100 years after Gulliver’s Travels came Frankenstein, and…

  • Articles and Books,  Business,  personal

    Business Lessons Learned From My Yoga Practice Article On Huffington Post

    Had the idea for this one during a yoga class the other day. It starts out like this: This may sound a little surprising, but yoga and business have a lot in common. Yoga teaches us about depth and focus. But as I’ve learned, yoga can also provide valuable lessons about how to successfully run a business. And not just in regards to emotional IQ. Here are some of the top lessons that I’ve brought to how I do business from my yoga practice. Read on here… Anything I missed?

  • personal

    You don’t like that one post I wrote 8 years ago?

    So you don’t like that one post I wrote 9 years ago? Or the one from two days ago? Or a whole series of articles I wrote because they aren’t pertinent to you? Or because you disagree with my opinion (I don’t put a ton of opinions on here btw)? Keep in mind, this is a blog. I’ll write about what interests me, or what’s on my mind. That might be Rainbow Dash fan fiction. Or how much I identified with a character in a movie or video game recently. Or how to do IFS-style loops and arrays in Powershell when translating some logic from Bash to Powershell. Or how…