Before you send me an email correcting something I’ve written, or more specifically how I’ve written it, check style guides. If it’s something Apple related, those are at Thank you, The mgmt
2,000 Posts And Going Strong
In December of 2004, in response to a request from my publisher at the time, I started this site in its current form. I kept the domain from my personal tinkeration site, which was a glorified file service, some static html pages for me to remember things (I can be a bit forgetful at times) and some .htaccess files to keep parts of the site private. I’d been using the domain for awhile, but started tinkering around with a few blogging engines and eventually settled on the one I’m using now. The total number of posts now sits a little over 2020, with a few being drafts on upcoming products…
The Elements of Style
Strunk & White’s Elements of Style is one of the best works explaining the rules of writing in the English language that has ever existed (and I’m pretty sure that sentence broke at least five of those rules). I’ve given this book to many a budding writer over the years. I’ve also recently noticed that it’s now all over the Internet, for free. For example, Bartleby has posted the 1918 edition of Elements of Style here. If you haven’t read Elements of Style then I strongly recommend it. It’s short, concise and explains why that apostrophe goes in that one spot as opposed to the other. If you want to…