• JAMF,  Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security

    Extension Attribute to Grab iTunes Hashes for VPP on macOS

    Here’s a new extension attribute at https://github.com/krypted/ituneshash/blob/master/ituneshash.sh for grabbing the hash ID used for iTunes Store accounts, useful with VPP: #!/bin/sh # # # #Jamf Pro Extension Attribute to return the App Store Account Hash for iTunes #Note that the return is null if one is not found # # result=`/usr/libexec/mdmclient QueryAppInstallation | grep iTunesStoreAccountHash | sed '/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/ s//\1/g'` echo "<result>$result</result>" The output is something like: <result>oBSmAAAa0nUAAACBHe5AaALlNBg=</result> Which would bring the string into Jamf Pro

  • Articles and Books,  personal

    MacDevOps 2016

    MacDevOps 2016: f you’re interested in the scripting side of the Apple world and can make it from June 20th to 21st, this might just be the conference for you. At MacDevOps, you’ll see “Speakers from across North America and Europe will be presenting on a number of topics related to Mac administration and deployment.” This would be things like contributing to open source projects, packaging Django web apps to look like native Mac apps, osquery, Munki security, imagr, autopkg, ansible, git, and jenkins. Basically, automating the things: DevOps. And for Macs. Or Appley things. For now. And… Lots of fun people will be there. including the convergence of friends from…

  • public speaking

    My MacADUK Slides from London

    As promised, here’s the presentation I gave this morning at the MacAD UK Conference in London. It is incredibly well put together and all the presentations thus far have just been fantastic. Congrats to the entire team at Amsys and the speakers for such a great show! MacADUK 2016 Presentation

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment

    The Second Edition of the Enterprise Mac Administrator’s Guide Now Available for Pre-Order!

    The latest and greatest of the Enterprise Mac Admin’s Guide is now available for Pre-Order at http://www.amazon.com/Enterprise-Mac-Administrators-Guide-Second/dp/1484217055/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1445529968. This is an interesting update. If you happened to see the previous edition, I’d described more about Casper than most of the other third party products on the market. In this edition, there’s still an equal amount of information on Casper, but now there’s also more information on FileWave, and a whole chapter on the open source toolchain of products, including Munki and AutoPKG. The main reason I decided to update this title was actually the change from focusing on directory services (which still has plenty of page count) to focusing on profile management.…

  • Mac OS X,  Programming,  Unix

    Mac DevOps Conference

    There’s another new conference in town! Well, not my town, but Vancouver. MacDev Ops is a hot topic. One that will only increase in the coming years. Thanks to Mat X and Brian Warsing for bringing about a brilliant conference. The conference will be held on June 19, 2015 and is an easy $99 if you sign up soon. Also, submit a talk if DevOps is your thing. They’re looking to bring the following topics to the table: Puppet, Chef and other automation from Desktop to Cloud and back Software deployment with Munki and AutoPkg: the app ecosystem surrounding it Cool tools: demo of awesome Mac Admin projects from GitHub DevOps: How…

  • Uncategorized

    Bring Out Yer Apps with Autopkg! (Maybe with a little help)

    (Guest post by Allister Banks) Working with modern tools in the ‘auto'(dmg/pkg) suite, it sure reinforces the old chestnut, ‘it’s turtles XML all the way down.’ The thing that struck me when first diving into using autopkg was that different product recipes could potentially have a good amount of similarities when they share common processors. One example is drag-drop apps that can be discovered with an ‘appcast’ URL, which, in my recollection, became common as the Sparkle framework gained popularity. This commonality is exactly the type of thing sysadmins like myself seek to automate, so I built a few helper scripts to 1. discover what apps have appcast URLs, 2. generate the base…

  • Mac OS X,  Mass Deployment

    Announcement (Cross Post) – JSS Add-on for Autopkg

    (Guest Post by Allister Banks) As Venn diagram circles go, many folks in our community are getting into autopkg, and there’s even more that already use the JAMF Casper Suite. Over on the 318.com blog there’s an announcement for a new ‘processor’ add-on that can be installed with autopkg, that therefore can leverage the JSS API to fulfill many of the functions which up until present only Munki enjoyed. Please do read the release notes and give it a try!

  • Mac OS X

    Video on Setting Up a Munki Repo

    (Allister Banks Guest Post:) As part of my presentations at LOPSA-East(the pdf slides of this one is here) earlier this year, I wanted to demonstrate how quickly you can get a proof-of-concept of Munki running on a recent Mac OS without Server. I had always used Greg Neagle’s awesome intro articles for MacTech(especially part 2,) which were  created back in 10.6 days(simpler times, amirite?) This video takes you through the setup of a Munki repo, and goes on to demonstrate not only basic Munki interaction and functionality, but if you setup MunkiWebAdmin and the reporting scripts on your clients in addition, it does a quick tour of that interface. Setting Up a…