10.7 and up have a little feature called elastic scrolling. When you get to the top of a page and you keep scrolling you see the linen background. There is a NAS devices whose web portals seems to be pretty shady overall, but specifically seems to lock up when this rubber band effect kicks in. So to disable: defaults write -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding -bool FALSE To disable the disable, or re-enable the effect: defaults write -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding -bool TRUE
profiles -x: The Most Important New Feature In Mountain Lion!!!
There are a lot of cool new features in Mountain Lion. But the most important finds its way to us through how you can use the profiles command. If you can believe it (moment of suspense), the profiles command now supports a -x option that allows administrators to see what version of the profiles command is being run. OMGOMGOMGPWNIESOMGOMGOMG!!! profiles -x Since the profiles command appeared in Lion, the rev in Mountain Lion would arguably 2.0. Actually, if you check your output it’s 2.00!!! There ya’ go. Value, baby. That’s what Mountain Lion is all aboot! Other than that, the commands are about the same as when I wrote about…
Disable Shadows On Mac OS X Screenshots
Screenshot formats, locations and styles are controlled by the com.apple.screencapture defaults domain. This time of the year (or OS Release Cycle) I am doing a lot of screenshots. And while I love the way they look with drop shadows, no one else does. So I find myself frequently disabling those drop shadows. To do so: defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool true Then reboot or killall SystemUIServer: killall SystemUIServer To get them back: defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool false ; killall SystemUIServer
Limiting The Number of Windows Users in Lion Server (aka How-to of hidden serveradmin settings)
Lion Server doesn’t have an option in the GUI for throttling the maximum number of users that can connect to the server via SMB. Nor does it have said option in the serveradmin interface. If you run the following, you would have previously seen the required setting: serveradmin settings smb The required setting (if controlled via serveradmin) is MaxClients= followed by the number of clients that you want to be the max: serveradmin settings smb:MaxClients=10 This is pretty easy stuff, but I have a point that goes beyond limiting the number of users. Not all of the settings that can be run through serveradmin are actually in the preferences any…
- Active Directory, Articles and Books, iPhone, Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, Mac Security, Mass Deployment, Microsoft Exchange Server
Holy White Papers, Apple?!?!?
For those of you who say Apple doesn’t care about the enterprise, Apple has released a number of assets (technical white papers) on integrating Macs (Lion) into enterprise environments at http://training.apple.com/lion. This is also the page that you’ll find links to all of the official training and certification courses for Lion. The assets up on this page are about as close to a publicly accessible book on integrating OS X into the enterprise as you’ll to see for Lion… The first covers the basics of integrating Macs into enterprise environments: The second covers self support: The third is on evaluating Macs in Enterprise environments: The fourth is on deployment: The…
WWDC Tickets On Sale
Apple has put tickets on sale for the WorldWide Developer Conference, from June 11th to June 15th in San Francisco’s Moscone Center. Last year, the conference sold out really quickly, so might want to jump on buying tickets if you want to go. One thing can be pretty easily assumed, there will be plenty of talk about Mountain Lion (and maybe a new beta/DP as well).
Baby Mountain Lions
“We’re too young and still under NDA, so please don’t talk about us publicly just yet!”
Disable the iCloud Prompt in Lion and Mountain Lion
OS X now prompts for and iCloud account when you log in for the first time. To disable the iCloud prompt on first login, edit the com.apple.SetupAssistant file in the Library/Prferences of the User Template. To do so, run the following defaults command: sudo defaults write /System/Library/User Template/Non_localized/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SetupAssistant DidSeeCloudSetup -bool TRUE Hat tip to Mike Boylan and Allen Golbig on finding the file. 🙂