There’s another new conference in town! Well, not my town, but Vancouver. MacDev Ops is a hot topic. One that will only increase in the coming years. Thanks to Mat X and Brian Warsing for bringing about a brilliant conference.
The conference will be held on June 19, 2015 and is an easy $99 if you sign up soon. Also, submit a talk if DevOps is your thing. They’re looking to bring the following topics to the table:
- Puppet, Chef and other automation from Desktop to Cloud and back
- Software deployment with Munki and AutoPkg: the app ecosystem surrounding it
- Cool tools: demo of awesome Mac Admin projects from GitHub
- DevOps: How to adopt Automation and Best practices in IT operations
- Dev skills: workshops on Ruby, Git, Python, Javascript for Mac Admins
- MDM: Profiles and Mac configuration management in the cloud
This is sure to be a good one. Check it out here!