• sites,  WordPress


    LOVE THIS!!! Rad Geek’s Projects – FeedWordPress Introduction FeedWordPress is an Atom/RSS aggregator for WordPress. It syndicates content from newsfeeds that you select into your WordPress blog; if you syndicate several newsfeeds then you can WordPress’s posts database and templating engine as the back-end of an aggregation (”planet”) website. I originally developed it because I needed a more flexible replacement for Planet to use at Feminist Blogs. FeedWordPress is designed with flexibility, ease of use, and ease of configuration in mind. You’ll need a working installation of WordPress 1.5 and FTP or SFTP access to your web host. The ability to create cron jobs on your web host would be…

  • sites

    eBay Watch Folders

    So you have that favorite jean.  And then the manufacturer stops making them.  Now you know that your love affair with that jean is going to last a lifetime.  Who cares about style, who cares about what’s hip or what’s new.  You like that specific style and cut of a pair of jeans and want to wear them for life.  So what do you do when the population at the stores starts to dry up?  Well, judging from the title of this article you already know what I’m gonna’ say.  Use eBay watch folders.  When you search for something in eBay and you narrow your focus (like let’s say your…