Robocop, Terminator, with a little Alien mixed in, how could you not just love this! Anyway, I’m off today, so enjoy a little light techie YouTube whatnot…
Site Back Up
Thanks to my dad and his mad Cpanel skillz, the site is back up. Apologies for any downtime. Thanks all, for the patience and the emails letting me know it was down in the first place.
URL Obfuscation
There are a number of sites that have jumped up to allow you to use a URL for the site to point to your own. Many of these are for allowing you to use smaller URLs for what could otherwise be a lengthy path. Of these seems to be the most popular, a free, ad-sponsored site that litters twitter feeds. Reducing the amount of characters in a database can save a considerable amount of space, according to how many links you have. It can also allow you to paste links that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to use in sites that don’t allow enough characters for lengthy URLs.…
- Back Online loaded for me all day. I posted two articles, one on the Final Cut Server exam and another that was a fairly technical description of NetBIOS and WINS and how to integrate it using Mac OS X Server. However, as the twitter universe told me, the site was down. It wasn’t hacked and nothing sinister occurred, it was just a simple DNS/registrar issue that is now resolved. Thanks to those who pointed it out, otherwise it likely would have been down for an additional day…
Similar Posts
A couple of updates to the site today. First, if you view an article it will show a list of similar articles to the one you’re viewing. Second, I moved the tag cloud to the top of the side bar and changed the tag cloud to show categories. Hope you enjoy/approve/whatever.
Twit netiquette
For a little while now my site has been automatically updating other sites when new articles are published. The update was pretty much just a generic URL. Then someone asked me to put a little more “meat in my tweet.†Great point. It’s a bit rude to pollute the various social networks of the world with useless information. Ergo, I’ve gone ahead and included the title of my posts in my actual feeds. Additionally, I’ve thrown a nice new background on the site to make it a bit less stark. Hope you enjoy. Oh, and just for the record, I love the term “meat in my tweet!” I think it’s hilarious… 😉
The Top Social Networks
It seems like I get an invitation to join a different social network every day. Makes me wonder how much traffic these sites get and what the point really is. Well, let’s break it down real quick. Statistics first, the ranking by market share for social networks is as follows: MySpace -39.37% Facebook – 17.54% YouTube – 10.39% Tagged – 1.55% Yahoo Answers – 1.36% MyYearBook – 1.09% Yahoo Groups – .96% Meebo – .64% Yahoo Member Directory – .53% Bebo – .49% You might notice a few that you would expect to see in the above list, such as LinkedIn, or others. That would be because forums are…
On the Road: WordPress and Vacation
While this article is updating I’m on a beach somewhere in Mexico. One of the things I love about WordPress is that I can indicate a date to publish an article or just publish it “immediately.” If I indicate the date the article goes live then I don’t necessarily have to hop to the computer to post it. I can just indicate when it will appear and then viola – it’s up, without any intervention from me. So if you’re wondering whether I really am on vacation or not, know this – I am not shoveling snow this week… 😉
Let It Stop Snowing
The snow effect on the site was causing the pages to load slowly so it has been removed for now until I can comb through and make it less intensive. Plus, it’s not snowing any more in Minneapolis, so it isn’t really that indicative of the weather anyway. 😉
Spam and MediaWiki
Captcha is a nice anti-spam technique for websites. By forcing a user to enter a word that is a bit scrambled on the screen you can eliminate a large amount of spam that you would otherwise have to manually fix. reCaptcha is a free service that provides captcha functionality through an API. That’s what I’m using on this site and to be honest what I’m growing quite fond of. At this point I’ve leveraged it for about 5 sites in the past month and all have seen a dramatic drop in spam over previous techniques I’ve tried. This has been across Joomla!, WordPress and the latest: MediaWiki. The ConfirmEdit Extension…