• personal,  Programming

    151 Awful Computer Jokes

    It all began with: “There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.” It’s awful. But these days, there are soooooo, sooooooo many awful computery jokes to choose from. Such jokes. All the laugh. I’ve been collecting silly nerdy jokes about computers in a sticky for years. Now, you can read some of them! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry. Enjoy! What did the computer have at lunchtime? A byte What do computers snack on? Microchips There are no shortcuts in life, unless you right click and find one… Why was there a bug in the computer? Because it was looking for a byte…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Programming

    25 Time Saving Bash Tips

    Use the following keys to do fun things when typing a command in bash (mostly keybindings): Use the up arrow to run the previous command Continue using the arrow to scroll to commands further in the history Use Control-r to search through your command history Control-w deletes the last word Control-u deletes the line you were typing Control-a moves the cursor to the beginning of the line Control-e moves the cursor to the end of the line Control-l clears the screen Control-b moves the cursor backward by a character Control-u moves the cursor forward by a character Control-_ is an undo “man readline” shows the bash keybindings (ymmv per OS)…

  • Mac OS X,  Programming,  Unix

    Mac DevOps Conference

    There’s another new conference in town! Well, not my town, but Vancouver. MacDev Ops is a hot topic. One that will only increase in the coming years. Thanks to Mat X and Brian Warsing for bringing about a brilliant conference. The conference will be held on June 19, 2015 and is an easy $99 if you sign up soon. Also, submit a talk if DevOps is your thing. They’re looking to bring the following topics to the table: Puppet, Chef and other automation from Desktop to Cloud and back Software deployment with Munki and AutoPkg: the app ecosystem surrounding it Cool tools: demo of awesome Mac Admin projects from GitHub DevOps: How…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment,  Network Infrastructure,  Programming,  Ubuntu,  Unix

    Opposite Day: Reversing Lines In Files

    The other day, my daughter said “it’s opposite day” when it was time to do a little homework, trying to get out of it! Which reminded me of a funny little command line tool called rev. Rev reads a file and reverses all the lines. So let’s touch a file called rev ~/Desktop/revtest and then populate it with the following lines: 123 321 123 Now run rev followed by the file name: rev ~/Desktop/revtest Now cat it: cat !$ Now rev it again: rev !$ You go go forward and back at will for fun, much more fun than homework… Enjoy!

  • Product Management,  Programming

    Product Management :: Using Azure for Mobile Prototyping

    I’m not going to lie to you, I’m a really crappy developer. And I have traditionally used OmniGraffle for prototyping web and mobile apps. But I recently found a cool little tool called Axure. The process of learning Azure was going pretty well. But there were a few things I couldn’t nail down exactly; so I got this handy little book called “Mobile Prototyping with Axure 7“. Designing for mobile apps is different than web apps or even something like FileMaker, which is why prototyping instead of just building flat diagrams with a tool like OmniGraffle is so important. This book took me through Axure with an example-led, hands-on approach that…