• personal

    Nice Quote

    “GUIs are for people who point and grunt at their computers. Those of us who like to talk to our computers use the command line.”

  • personal

    Al Gore and the Internet

    Al Gore never said he invented the Internet.  However, he did say that he encouraged legislation that laid the foundation of the Internet, which he did.  As did many others…  I wonder if there are a couple hundred people in Ohio that decided not to vote for him based on this rumor…

  • personal

    Tax Refund Check

    When you get a tax refund check, think about this: who will pay for this?  With a deficit worthy of the Guiness Book of World Records, it will be your children (or their children).

  • personal

    Pork Barrel Spending

    I no longer want to hear that any politician is for or against something based on how they voted on a specific bill.  Why?  Because all of the bills have far too many little (or big) things attached to them that could be looked at as having nothing to do with the bill…

  • personal

    My Car

    I have a Prius.  I love my car.  It’s like driving around a little computer.  But why did I buy it?  Did I buy it as a statement about the environment?  While I care about the environment, no I did not.  No, I bought my car because it made more financial sense to me to buy a hybrid than it did for me to keep my SUV.  You see, I drive a lot.  And I spend way less money on that car than I did on my last car when you include gas.  So if you drive a big SUV and I mention my Prius then please don’t feel the…