A friend sent me an article the other day about Facebook, where the author had an almost chilling reception to Facebook’s privacy policy/terms of use. In fact, last week alone I got at minimum three such emails asking what “a security guy” thought and since the new privacy policy was put into place I’ve gotten no less than 30 or 40 requests/invitations to join various groups that seem to have serious issues with this policy (btw – not all “security guys” wear tin foil hats). Someone once told me not to put anything in writing (or on film) that I didn’t want my grandmother to see. The obvious extension of…
Alice in Wonderland Trailer
Tim Burton + Johnny Depp + Alice in Wonderland = Great Potential
What if Rick Rolled Nirvana?
Well, then you might never have to give up your teen spirit…
Engineers without Borders
Engineers without Borders is a non profit with over 300 chapters in the US. Each chapter is chartered with designing, implementing, and maintaining replicable and sustainable projects for target communities, without imposing our own culture on them. Great stuff. Honduras – Short Trip Summary from Israel Lopez on Vimeo.
The Blind Leading the Blind
Please, please, please – if you think that something I do here will fix an issue you have, please confirm that we’re talking about the same things. Don’t run a command that will wipe out your whole Kerberos database if you’re having an issue opening a single file. Don’t demote a single Open Directory Master with no replicas when you have hundreds of users that should be logged into the OD structure at any given time. Don’t wipe out the LUN of that NetApp. Don’t rm something recursively that shouldn’t be rm’d. I realize that “Google-fu” is a great skill to have, but it is also a danger to you…
Thanks Amex
American Express killed my card. But I’m glad. You see, the address of my account was changed and American Express attempted to contact me using the phone number and it was changed. Since they couldn’t get in touch they emailed me but that address was also changed. No reply meant that they killed my account. I found out at Target and confused called them up. Since I haven’t moved, changed my phone number and switched out email addresses I had them put it all back and change all my passwords. While I was initially annoyed that the card was declined, I was ultimate extremely grateful for their anti-fraud systems. So…
G33k Dinner
Geek Dinner, including PowerPoint Karaoke up Topanga in LA on June 19th. RSVP here if interested.
Hike the Geek
If you’re into the technical side of life and you’d like to get some excersize and you’re in Los Angeles then this site is for you: www.hikethegeek.com/LA. They organize outdoor excursions around the basin all the time, to places like Griffith Park, Topanga Canyon Park, Arroyo Seco and Switzer Falls. Good people, definitely worth a try.
App Store Humor
Microsoft Blogging
Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a team of Microsoft employees. They operated in a black box, a silo of noncommunication. In order to learn what was in the new products they were developing you had to wait until they were released. There were no seeds, the prerelease software distributed to partners was codenamed with words like longhorn and the developers, if they spoke out of turn were publicly flogged with cat-o-nine-tails made of rusty old x86 hardware, known as flogware. But then something happened. Microsoft, to whatever degree, embraced a world of openness. The developers for various teams were suddenly encouraged to blog, speak…