• Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  personal

    Twas the Week Before Mountain Lion

    Twas the week (or so) before Mountain Lion, when all through the warehouse Not an admin was moving, not even their mouse. The images were posted to the servers with care, In hopes that Mountain Lion soon would be there. The users were nestled all snug with their pr0n of coeds, While visions of Notification Center danced in their heads. And developers with their fevorish commits and I with my quill, Had just settled our brains with a Dr. Pepper refill. When from Messages + Twitter there arose such a clatter, I sprang to my MacBook Air to see what was the matter. Away to the lab I flew like…

  • Articles and Books,  personal,  sites

    2,000 Posts And Going Strong

    In December of 2004, in response to a request from my publisher at the time, I started this site in its current form. I kept the domain from my personal tinkeration site, which was a glorified file service, some static html pages for me to remember things (I can be a bit forgetful at times) and some .htaccess files to keep parts of the site private. I’d been using the domain for awhile, but started tinkering around with a few blogging engines and eventually settled on the one I’m using now. The total number of posts now sits a little over 2020, with a few being drafts on upcoming products…

  • personal

    Google Maps 8-bit Edition

    Google Maps has now released the amazing 8-bit edition. It comes complete with pictures of the country in 8-bit and a Slime who draws near! While Tantegel Castle does not appear on the map and you don’t seem to be able to find any Internet connectivity arising from King Lorik’s toilet, it is possible to find cute propeller headed icons where Google offices are as well as a number of landmarks that have been converted into 8-bit highlights showing people why they should visit your area. In fact, the landmarks themselves have been converted to 8-bit in order for you to be able to fully enjoy the country as it would have…

  • personal,  sites,  Social Networking

    Top 25 Best Hacking and Computer Geek Movies

    Hacking, phreaking, computing and gaming. There are a lot of movies that really hit on some of these topics. Everyone is going to have their favorites, but I wanted to share mine in case you had Presidents Day off and needed some nerdy fun to get you through the forced vacation! 1. Office Space is the story of Peter Gibbons, a computer programmer who spends all day doing mindless tasks. Thanks to a hypnotic suggestion, Peter decides not to go to work at the same time his company starts laying people off. When layoffs affect his two best friends, they conspire to plant a virus that will embezzle money from…

  • personal

    Minneapolis Isn't Weird Enough This Summer

    Double Danger Comics is gone. Booksmart, which I thought was the best book store in town (was in Uptown) is gone. Uncle Hugo’s moved awhile back, but they just don’t seem weird enough, with over half the store dedicated to mysteries. I find the folks at Big Brain Comics too cool for my liking. My daughter and I do like going to the Source, but we’re having a hard time finding more variety (and 3 year olds need plenty of variety!)… If anyone has any techno-weird-nerdy-geekspaz stuff then throw me a link or 20. You know, something like a retail Jinx.com (well, Jinx from 5 years ago, notsomuch this year)…