• personal

    On Handling Criticism

    As someone who is (however misguided) considered a leader in my industry, I need to start holding myself to a higher standard. If I leave myself open to critique  I need to learn from the experience. I have struggled over the past day with this concept because I said something on a stage, in front of a couple hundred people, that was inappropriate. Others did the same (and  worse) I thought to myself; however, am I not supposed to be a leader in my company and in my community? Yes. Do I want people to judge either based on an off-the-cuff remark made by me alone? No. Would I ever…

  • iPhone,  Network Infrastructure,  personal

    16 Child Proofing iPad and iPod Touch Tips For Parents

    Recently I woke up and my daughter was sitting on me watching something on the iPad. As I woke ever so slightly I realized that she was watching Transformers the movie on Netflix. I’m not typically a helicopter dad, hovering over her every move, but I did realize amidst the explosions that ya’, I might want to take some of the things I learned writing the book on locking these things down and put a few very basic measures in place to keep her from seeing something she shouldn’t. After all, she’s gotten about as good at navigating around the thing as I am (and these days she’s getting pretty…

  • personal

    Hey Google, Thanks Again!

    I am such a nerd when it comes to movies. But I enjoyed The Internship on my flight just now and in fact now either want to get a bunch of my own interns or go on an internship with Google. Thanks, Google, for giving me a couple hours of mind candy. And thanks for everything else you do!

  • Business,  personal,  public speaking

    Minnebar Presentations Available On YouTube

    I was supposed to give a presentation at MinneBar a few weeks ago, but I ended up having to be out of town. I was pretty bummed as I really wanted to see a few of the presentations. But, lucky me, MinneBar has actually started posting presentations to YouTube. Woohoo, they’re available at http://www.youtube.com/user/MinneStarMedia. The one I think I was most interested in seeing is available right here, and I can embed it into my own site and watch it from here. I will try and make the next one to do the presentation I’d planned on giving. This is a community I am very supportive of and love contributing…

  • personal

    10 Sleep Patterns of a Migratory Nerd

    Here’s the thing, I’m wrong most of the time. I’ve long held fast that I do my best work after midnight. I’ve long felt that caffeine and sugar would keep me going deep into the night when I really hit my stride. I’ve also maintained that nicotine helped me stay focused because it gave me an excuse to get up and walk away from my computer for a little while and made me more social. Walking away from my computer to grab a smoke seemed like the perfect amount of exearcise too. Finally, I figured if I didn’t eat for 48 hours that it was no big deal. That lifestyle…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  personal

    Half Off My Book (and other O'Reilly Titles)!

    In Celebration of *Day Against DRM* Save 50% on 5000+ Ebooks & Videos at O’Reilly (including mine). And save 60% on orders over $100, so feel free to order multiple copies of my book! Having the ability to download files at your convenience, store them on all your devices, or share them with a friend or colleague as you would a print book is liberating, and is how it should be. This is a critical moment in the fight against DRM. A proposal currently being considered by the W3C would weave DRM into HTML5 — in other words, into the very fabric of the Web. Ebooks from oreilly.com are DRM-free.…

  • Articles and Books,  Interviewing,  Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment,  personal

    Interview with Amsys

    I’ve followed Amsys for awhile, with their training materials and the such. Now, they’ve published an interview with me. If you want to know what I think of skinny jeans, griffins and most importantly where you should (or should not) keep your weed, check out the interview here: http://www.amsys.co.uk/2013/blog/charles-edge-interview-part-1