I recently had a situation where an email had a bunch of corrupt attachments. Each time one of the attachments was clicked on before the Mail app could mark the message as read the Preview of the attachment crashed the application. Turns out this was because opening the email automatically was attempting to display the image preview. Turns out I just needed to disable preview in mail long enough to get the messages deleted. To do so write the DisableInlineAttachmentViewing key as true into com.apple.mail as follows: defaults write com.apple.mail DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool true To then disable this option, set the key to false: defaults write com.apple.mail DisableInlineAttachmentViewing -bool false
What Exchange NDR Codes Mean
One of the things that hasn’t changed in all these years with Exchange is Non-Delivery Reports. An NDR is an email that is sent when a message you send fails to go out. Exchange has had a consistent set of NDR status codes since version 5, just adding some here or there with changing technology (e.g. routing connectors, smarthosts, etc). Exchange has a lot of NDR codes at this point. I keep a little list running in my collection of files I spotlight to find the answer to recurring questions (which happens to always be 42). When an email bounces in Exchange, these codes explain why without having to be…
Create An SMTP Tar Pit In Windows Server/Exchange
Windows Server has a role that it can run in SMTP. Exchange and other services use this role to relay mail. There is a type of attack against a mail server that revolves around effectively performing a Denial of Service (DoS) against Exchange by sending massive quantities of mail to the server and forcing it to send Non Delivery Reports (NDRs) from the mail you’ve sent the server. This is known as an NDR Flood Attack. You can also leverage what’s known as a Directory Harvest Attack to get a server to respond to each possible combination of characters for addresses on domains running on an Exchange server. A Directory…
Managing DNS In Windows Server 2012
Previously, I covered installing the DNS role in Windows Server 2012. Once installed, managing the role is very similar to how management was done in Windows Server 2003 through 2008 R2. With the exception of how you access the tools. DNS is one of the most important services in Windows Servers, as with most other platforms. So it’s important to configure DNS. To get into the DNS Manager in 2012 Server, first open Server Manager (you might get sick of using this tool in Server 2012, similar to how my Mac Server brethren have gotten tired of it in Lion and Mountain Lion Servers. Then from Server Manager click on…
Install Exchange From the Command Line
Exchange is becoming more and more command line oriented. This includes the powershell options for managing Exchange once installed, but can also include the initial installation. To install Exchange from the command line, one must first install Exchange prerequisites, which are broken down per role that is being installed on Exchange. This can be done using the Add-WindowsFeature commandlet. To install the Windows requirements for Exchange for the Client Access, Hub Transport and Mailbox roles, use the following command: Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework,RSAT-ADDS,Web-Server,Web-Basic-Auth,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Metabase,Web-Net-Ext,Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console,WAS-Process-Model,RSAT-Web-Server,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-Digest-Auth,Web-Dyn-Compression,NET-HTTP-Activation,RPC-Over-HTTP-Proxy,Web-WMI -Restart For the Edge Transport role, use: Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework,RSAT-ADDS,Web-Server,Web-Basic-Auth,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-Metabase,Web-Net-Ext,Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console,WAS-Process-Model,RSAT-Web-Server,Desktop-Experience -Restart For the Unified Messaging role, use: Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework,RSAT-ADDS,ADLDS -Restart After the server restarts, also configure NetTcpPortSharing: Set-Service NetTcpPortSharing -StartupType…
Put an ESX Virtual Machine Into Safe Mode
Sometimes you need to boot a system into Safe Mode. But with a virtual machine you don’t have enough time to put a Windows system into Safe Mode. To put a normal system into safe mode, you can just hit the F8 key when Windows is booting. But with a virtual machine the BIOS screen is by default set to go away in 0 settings. Therefore, you need to add a boot delay to mimic a physical host. To get a virtual machine in ESX to have such a boot delay, view all the virtual machines and then right click on the virtual machine you need to configure a delay…
New Office For Mac Accreditation
Last week, MacTech released the news of a Microsoft Office accreditation currently in pilot for Apple techs with the following press release, announcing a half day course for the certification: NEW ACCREDITATION FOR APPLE TECHS: “MICROSOFT OFFICE FOR MAC ACCREDITED SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL” – Working together, MacTech and Microsoft are making available a new accreditation program for Apple consultants and techsFebruary 21, 2013 — Westlake Village, CA — Today MacTech, who publishes MacTech Magazine as well as produces live events, announced the event and city schedule to obtain Microsoft’s new “Microsoft Office for Mac Accredited Support Professional” accreditation. This pilot program is a half day long, and will take place the day prior to each MacTech…
Managing Office 365 Users Using PowerShell
Programmatically controlling the cloud is an important part of trying to reign in the chaos of disparate tools that the beancounters make us use these days. Of all the companies out there, Microsoft seems to understand this about as well as anyone and their fine programmers have provided us with a nice set of tools to manage Office 365 accounts, both in a browser (as with most cloud services) and in a shell (which is what we’ll talk about in this article). This article isn’t really about scripting PowerShell. Instead we’re just looking at a workflow that could be used to script a Student Information System, HRIS solution or another…
- iPhone, Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, Mac Security, Mass Deployment, Microsoft Exchange Server, Network Infrastructure
Configuring & Using Profile Manager 2 in OS X Mountain Lion Server
Profile Manager first appeared in OS X Lion Server as the Apple-provided tool for managing Apple devices, including Mobile Device Management (MDM) for iOS based devices as well as Profile management for OS X based computers, including MacBooks, MacBook Airs, Mac Minis, Mac Pros and iMacs running Mac OS X 10.7 and up. In OS X Mountain Lion, Apple has added a number of new features to Profile Manager, most notably the ability to push certain types of apps to mobile devices. In this article, we’re going to look at setting up Profile Manager from scratch. If you’re upgrading to OS X Mountain Lion Server (10.8 Server) from OS X…
Configuring Calendar Server in Mountain Lion Server
Configuring Calendar Server in Mountain Lion Server is a fairly simple and straight forward process. The Calendar Server is a CalDAV Server, leveraging HTTP and HTTPS, running on ports 8008 and 8443 respectively. To enable the Calendar service in Mountain Lion Server, open the Server application and click on Calendar in the SERVICES section of the sidebar. Once open, click on Edit to enable email notifications of invitations in the Calendar Server. Provide the email address and then click on the Next button. At the Configure Server Email Address screen, provide the type of incoming mail service in use, provide the address of the mail server and then the port…