• Microsoft Exchange Server,  Windows Server

    Defragment and Repair Exchange Information Stores

    An Exchange Information Store is a database. A Standard Exchange Server can host 3 Information Store databases. Each is a Jet database and can exist at its own file path and will have a .edb file extension. You can manually defrag an Exchange database using a tool called eseutil. In this case, you’ll encounter from 5 to 20 minutes of downtime per gig of the Information Store. You can run eseutil, Eseutil can be run to scan a database to determine whether an offline defragmentation is necessary. You can run eseutil to manually determine the space that could be saved with a defrag. To do so, run eseutil with the…

  • Microsoft Exchange Server,  Windows Server

    Temporarily Disable Timeout Detection For Exchange 2010 and Up

    I’ve seen a number of cases where Exchange Information Stores are located on SANs. If you don’t have enough throughput you’re likely to see RPC request timeouts for the database, mailboxes or even a server. This typically correlates to Event IDs of 10025, 10026 and 10027. If a mailbox is having such problems then it will be quarantined. If you have this happen once or twice then it’s likely not that big of a deal. However, if it happens repeatedly then you’ve likely got a problem. These can be cumbersome to fix. So while you’re working on things, rather than have mailboxes go offline all the time, you can edit…

  • Microsoft Exchange Server

    Managing Role Assignments For Exchange In PowerShell

    When running mailbox exports, move requests, etc in Exchange 201x you might get an error. This is because the Management Role Assignments have changed ever so slightly. In order to provide an account the ability to do certain tasks, you can use the New-ManagementRoleAssignment powershell cmdlet to process a request. To do so, pick a user (in this case the username is kryptedadmin) using the -User option and choose roles to assign (in this case, mailbox, export and import) using the -Role option. The command then looks as follows: New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import Export" -User kryptedadmin To see if your roles were properly applied: Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import Export" |…

  • Microsoft Exchange Server,  Windows Server

    Exchange Server 2010 PowerShell Mailbox Exports

    Need to export mailboxes from Exchange? Hate using exmerge to do so. Gone are the days of exmerge. Well, not entirely. But welcome to the days of New-MailboxExportRequest. Much longer and cooler command than exmerge ever thought about being. C:\>New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox cedge -FilePath \\kryptedexchange.krypted.com\pst\cedge.pst You then receive confirmation that the export has been queued: Name Mailbox Status ---- ------- ------ MailboxExport https://krypted.com//Users/cedge... Queued To view the status, swap New with Get (Get-MailboxExportRequest): Get-MailboxExportRequest The output is as follows: Name Mailbox Status ---- ------- ------ MailboxExport https://krypted.com//Users/cedge... InProgress To get even more info, use the -Name option with Get-MailboxExportRequest, identifying the actual process name. Get-MailboxExportRequest -Name MailboxExport | fl The output…

  • Microsoft Exchange Server

    Configure Exchange Mailbox Database Maintenance Schedules

    Exchange databases need maintenance. This maintenance defragments the databases, reindexes the databases and performs other tasks necessary for long-term sustainability of the databases. To configure maintenance, open the Exchange Management Console and then under Organization Configuration select Mailbox. At the Database Management tab, double-click on the database to schedule maintenance for and click on the Maintenance tab. Here, check the box for Enable background maintenance and then select one of the schedules for which Exchange maintenance occurs. This schedules a nightly database maintenance window where Exchange Server can perform the necessary operations on a given database. Alternatively, if you have a lot of databases or need to batch change these…

  • Microsoft Exchange Server,  Windows Server

    Resolve 530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated Error In Exchange 2010-2012

    When working on mail flow issues, one of the first troubleshooting steps with any mail server is to try and telnet into port 25 of the server. Exchange has an error, 530, that says that the smtp connection wasn’t authenticated. If you’re trying to relay through an Exchange server, that’s a good thing, as you wouldn’t want an open relay. However, if you’re trying to relay to an Exchange server, that’s not such a good thing. So let’s look at what this symptom looks like. First we try and telnet into port 25 of the server: telnet exchange.krypted.com 25 Which shows the following: 220 exchange.krypted.com Then we say hi: Helo…

  • Microsoft Exchange Server,  Network Infrastructure,  Windows Server

    Change MTU in Windows Server

    When we transfer certain amounts of data in a packet we might cause that packet to fragment. The less fragmentations without requiring a collision or a re-send of a packet, the more efficient network traffic can be. The MTU defines the packet size. Different types of data or network links respond differently. To change the MTU on a Windows Server we’re going to use the netsh command. First, we’re going to use ping to ping a host on our network, using -f and then -l which allows us to define the MTU size. In this case we’re going to use 1500: ping https://krypted.com/ -f -l 1500 We should get an…

  • Microsoft Exchange Server

    Bulk Exporting of PST Files Using Exmerge

    To automate the process of exporting Exchange mailboxes to .pst files, we’re going to use the exmerge tool using a Windows batch file. We can use a MAILBOXES.TXT file to choose which mailboxes we’ll be using and possibly a SUBJECTS.TXT or ATTACHMENTS.TXT to constrain our searches. To run the exmerge, run as a typical GUI based merge but save the search. Once saved, you’ll be able to select a path, which we’ll call c:\tmpexmerge. In here, you should see an EXMERGE.INI as well as a MAILBOXES.TXT (and possibly a few other files. In the MAILBOXES.TXT file you’ll see the CN information for the mailboxes selected in the previous: /O=FIRST ORGANIZATION/OU=FIRST…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mass Deployment,  Microsoft Exchange Server

    Auto-archiving in Outlook for Mac

    One way to automatically archive objects from Outlook is to use rules. To do so, first create a folder on your local computer (e.g. Archived). Then, from the Tools menu, select Rules. Create a rule by clicking on the plus sign (let’s just call it Archiving) and then click Date Received in the “When a new message arrives: section. Configure the middle field as “is Greater than or equal to” and then configure the number of days (e.g. 90 or 180). In the “Do the following:” section, choose “Move message” and then choose the archive folder you created in the previous step. Finally, check the box for Enabled and you’ve…

  • Microsoft Exchange Server

    Create Mail Contacts On Exchange 2013 Using PowerShell

    Exchange 2013 allows administrators to script Mail Contact creation and email enable those contacts. Let’s say you want to create a contact named Charles Edge and configure an External Email Address of cedge@318.com and set the Organization Unit to Enginnering. Well, that would look something a little like this: New-MailContact -Name "Charles Edge" -ExternalEmailAddress "cedge@318.com" -OrganizationalUnit "Engineering" And if you’ve never spent much time in Minnesota, the acronym for Database Availability Group is DAG. Just pronounce the A with an AE sound about 20 times and you’ll understand how awesome it can be. 🙂