• iPhone,  JAMF,  Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment

    Casper 9.9 Now Available, Unlocking All The New Awesomeness In iOS 9.3

    Casper 9.9 has shipped! After the most thorough of testing and field enablement, JAMF has shipped Casper 9.9, with tons of new awesomeness for iOS 9.3. You now have the ability to do Lost Mode, which allows you to see where a lost device is, and allows your users the peace of mind that their privacy is protected by informing them that administrators looked at the location of a device (and you can assign a custom Lost Mode message, for example providing a reward for the return of a lost device). You can also manage a number of Notification Center features. You now have the ability to use the Classroom App…

  • iPhone,  Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment,  Network Infrastructure,  personal

    Contributing To The New MacAdmins Podcast: Episode 1 is out!

    When I was speaking at MacADUK, I asked Tom Bridge about starting a podcast. He’s got a great voice, and I thought he’d be a great co-host. Before we were able to get to that when we got home, Adam Codega, independently of the conversation I’d had with Tom, dropped a note on Twitter to see who else might be interested in doing a Podcast. A few people responded that they’d be interested in also jumping in on a new Podcast. Over the next few weeks, decisions were made that the podcast would be hosted as a part of MacAdmins.org, the format, the hosting location, and lots of other really cool stuff.…

  • Apps,  cloud,  iPhone,  Mac OS X

    10 Cool Things You Might Not Know You Can Do With Dropbox Article On Huffington Post

    My latest Huffington Post article is up; this one on 10 Cool Things You Might Not Know You Can Do With Dropbox. A sample of the article: You lіvе in an аgе whеn you wаnt (and ѕоmеtіmеѕ nееd) tо access іnfоrmаtіоn аt аll tіmеѕ. Thіѕ іnсludеѕ yоur оwn dаtа аnd fіlеѕ — text dосumеntѕ, рhоtоgrарhѕ, vіdеоѕ, music and mоrе. Thаt’ѕ whу ѕеrvісеѕ lіkе Drорbоx is so popular wіth thе соnnесtеd gеnеrаtіоn. Free оf сhаrgе (wіth a раіd uрgrаdе орtіоn), Dropbox lеtѕ уоu uрlоаd уоur files tо fоldеrѕ ассеѕѕіblе аnуwhеrе thеrе’ѕ аn Intеrnеt connection. It еlіmіnаtеѕ thе hаѕѕlе of еmаіlіng уоurѕеlf attachments аnd runnіng іntо size limits. People can use Dropbox…

  • Mac OS X,  Unix

    Quick Script Backups In OS X

    When I’m working on a little bash script, I’ll often make a backup, each time I save and test. Then I can revert back, if I need to. The syntax I’ll use is to cp and then curly-bracket the output into .bak files (that’s a 90s era file extension I use for such nonsense): cp filename.sh{,.bak} So if I’m writing a script called MYSCRIPT.sh: cp MYSCRIPT.sh{,.bak} The resultant backup of the script is MYSCRIPT.sh.bak.

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Programming

    25 Time Saving Bash Tips

    Use the following keys to do fun things when typing a command in bash (mostly keybindings): Use the up arrow to run the previous command Continue using the arrow to scroll to commands further in the history Use Control-r to search through your command history Control-w deletes the last word Control-u deletes the line you were typing Control-a moves the cursor to the beginning of the line Control-e moves the cursor to the end of the line Control-l clears the screen Control-b moves the cursor backward by a character Control-u moves the cursor forward by a character Control-_ is an undo “man readline” shows the bash keybindings (ymmv per OS)…

  • Mac OS X

    Make Empty Files Of A Certain Size In OS X

    Previously, I’ve used a few methods to create files in OS X using touch, dd, etc. But the easiest way to create empty files is using the mkfile command, which instantly creates a file of any size. To use the mkfile command, use the following general syntax: mkfile -n size[b|k|m|g] filename Using the above, to create a 2GB file called “TESTFILE” on the desktop, use the following command: mkfile -n 2g ~/Desktop/TESTFILE The file is created instantly and occupies the desired space on the disk. If you cat the file you should see a whole lot of zeros. I use dd for testing throughput (e.g. to large storage arrays) as…

  • Mac OS X

    Command Line Calendaring

    When I need to look at what day a date is on, I typically open the Calendar app. But sometimes I’m in the middle of a task in the command line and don’t want to do so. Luckily, there’s a cal binary in OS X. To use cal, simply invoke it and ask for a julian calendar using the -j option: cal -j Which outputs a calendar view: March 2016 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 The days…

  • Mac OS X,  Mass Deployment

    Manage Recent Places In OS X

    There are two defaults keys that can be used to manage the recent places options in the OS X Finder. Both are in the .GlobalPreferences. The first is NSNavRecentPlaces and the second is NSNavRecentPlacesLimit. The NSNavRecentPlacesLimit key limits the number of items that are stored in the list. To increase the default to, let’s say, 20, use the defaults command to set the NSNavRecentPlacesLimit key to an integer of 20: defaults write .GlobalPreferences NSNavRecentPlacesLimit -int 20 Then use defaults to read the setting: defaults read NSNavRecentPlacesLimit You’ll need to “killall Finder” in order to see this in a Finder Save dialog. You can also inject items into the RecentPlaces array, called NSNavRecentPlaces, or delete…