If you’re developing an iPhone app, this OmniGraffle stencil can be a great help: http://www.on-a-mac.com/2008/09/05/iphone-omnigraffle-gui-template/
Using a + in an email address
If you take an email address like my iCloud account, it’s krypted@me.com. If I take the username and add a + at the end I can then type some characters and put it all in front of the @ and domain name then the mail will still come to me. So, let’s say I use it to create an AppleID for an APNS certificate. That would be: krypted+apns@mac.com Or iTunes: krypted+itunes@mac.com Or iPhone1 (or these days iPad1): krypted+ipad1@mac.com The only gotcha is that occasionally you’ll run into some field on a webpage that has input validation for non alpha-numeric characters. Shouldn’t be the case, but it comes up from time…