• iPhone

    UGA Football Schedule

    iPhone applications and vacation.  Funny how they can end up coming together.  Another app I’ve been working on is a little football schedule for the UGA Bulldogs, which if you’ve been reading this site for awhile you’ll know is my team of choice.  So here are some screenshots for the app, which should be up on the App Store once I get all the details worked out.

  • iPhone

    iPhone Application: Charles' NetFlix

    Before you write an application, check and make sure it hasn’t already been written by someone who’s a better programmer.  😉  Either way, here’s my second go at writing an iPhone app.  Still waiting for approval to get that account…

  • iPhone

    Managing iPhone en masse

    KACE, makers of the KBOX family of appliances can now provide centralized management of the iPhone.  Their appliances can provision, configure and control policies on end-point devices: http://www.kace.com/about/releases/systems-management-appliance/computer-management-software-alternative/08_25_08.php There is still a big component missing from third party solutions for the iPhone (or a built-in option for that matter), which is the development of a full disk encryption solution for the platform.  There are a couple of solutions in development which we are beta testing but nothing that is ready for prime time yet (can you say multiple bricked iPhone’s is bad for business).

  • iPhone

    LoanShark iPhone App

    OK, I know this doesn’t really sound like something you’ll need in the field.  Well, it isn’t.  Unless of course you’re in the field in between looking at houses, which I am these days.  So what does this little bugger do?  Well, it can figure up payment, interest, amortization, track progress of mortgages, car loans, credit cards, etc. http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=286069264&mt=8

  • iPhone

    iPhone App: Whois

    Do a Whois of your (or anyones) domain.  It’s not a terribly complicated app, but then it is a buck… http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=288162206&mt=8

  • iPhone

    LoanShark iPhone App

    OK, I know this doesn’t really sound like something you’ll need in the field.  Well, it isn’t.  Unless of course you’re in the field in between looking at houses, which I am these days.  So what does this little bugger do?  Well, it can figure up payment, interest, amortization, track progress of mortgages, car loans, credit cards, etc. http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=286069264&mt=8

  • iPhone,  Mac OS X

    iTunes: Recover Purchased Music

    So Apple says they don’t allow you to download purchased items once they’ve downloaded the first time.  But if you look in the right places and talk to the right people then viola – the purchased content redownloads!  Thanks Apple!!!

  • iPhone

    iPhone in the Enterprise

    The iPhone is a great phone.  It’s also a great web browser and has a seemingly limitless graphical development platform.  If you use POP or IMAP the iPhone is also a great messaging tool.   But… The iPhone needs to integrate with Exchange and/or Lotus Notes seamlessly.  The iPhone lso needs tools that allow managing the devices en masse.