The WELL, an Early Internet Community
PayPal Was Just The Beginning
Powershelling Away At Bitlocker
The Enable-BitLocker cmdlet is available in Powershell to encrypt drives. The command is fairly straight forward once we figure out how to do a few things. In the following we’ll use -mountPoint to define that it’s the default C: drive that we’re encrypting, followed by -EncryptionMethod as an Aes128 or an Aes256 and then who can unlock, in this case, the CharlesEdge short name on the Krypted domain, then we’ll prompt (that can be removed) and define a -pin of 2345 to unlock the recovery key and finally drop the key off at a -RecoveryKeyPath. Seems like a lot but it’s not and there are ways to do a password…
Riddles in Assembly
global _start I just got this book ecx, odd_msg AND holy buckets it’s fun. len2 jmp outprog
MacAdmins Podcast Episode 205: The Technology Drivers Test
Playing Games and E-Learning on PLATO: 1960 to 2015
Developer Mode System Extensions on macOS
System and Network Extensions are fairly easy programmatically. However, there is some nuance around building them. Much of this is in getting the correct entitlements – but also a little in troubleshooting. To see (or set) those entitlements, look at the .entitlements file located in the root of an Xcode Project. That will be a plist with a few entries. In this one, we’ll see com.apple.developer.networking.networkextension so we’re working on a network extension. com.apple.security.app-sandbox com.apple.security.application-groups $(TeamIdentifierPrefix)com.krypted.firewall com.apple.developer.networking.networkextension content-filter-provider To add one, go to the General screen for the project, and locate the section for Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. Then use the plus sign to add and provide the name…
So Long, Fry’s, Thanks For All The Fish
Create Email Aliases in Office 365
The things are always changing. I write less and less how-to things because as the rate of innovation skyrockets (another way to say changes that are sometimes good and sometimes bad) – the second I hit save the article seems out of date, or technical debt. But hey, sometimes I have to look longer than I should for something. So. To create an email alias in Microsoft Online/Office 365. Login to an account with Exchange administrative capabilities Click the Admin tab. Click Exchange in the left sidebar. Click Recipients. Click Mailboxes (or Users in the newer interface). Click the user to create the alias for (in the old interface click…