• Business,  iPhone

    iPhone, NFC & A Few Hundred Billion Dollars

    Many of us now use our phone to check our email more often than we use our computer. Our phones go everywhere with us (although please hang up when you’re in the can as few things are more disgusting than listening to someone talk to their mom when they’re droppin’ the kids off at the pool in the stall next to you or hearing someone you’re talking to dropping’ a deuce in the pooper on the other end of the line). Many no longer have land lines and some have even dumped desktop and laptop computers in favor of smart-phone or tablet based digital lives. Few skipped the computer altogether…

  • personal

    Thanks Amex

    American Express killed my card. But I’m glad. You see, the address of my account was changed and American Express attempted to contact me using the phone number and it was changed. Since they couldn’t get in touch they emailed me but that address was also changed. No reply meant that they killed my account. I found out at Target and confused called them up. Since I haven’t moved, changed my phone number and switched out email addresses I had them put it all back and change all my passwords. While I was initially annoyed that the card was declined, I was ultimate extremely grateful for their anti-fraud systems. So…