Before I get started, I just want to point out that the old commands all still work. There are some newer things, but nothing earth shattering. Let’s start out with what’s actually available in the Server Admin CLI: serveradmin. The serveradmin command, followed by settings, followed by san shows a few pieces of information:
bash-3.2# serveradmin settings san
san:computers = _empty_array
san:primaryController = "95C99FB1-80F2-5016-B9C3-BE3916E6E5DC"
san:ownerEmail = ""
san:sanName = "krypted"
san:desiredSearchPolicy:_array_index:0 = ""
san:serialNumbers = _empty_array
san:dsType = 0
san:ownerName = "Charles Edge"
san:managePrivateNetwork = yes
san:metadataNetwork = ""
san:numberOfFibreChannelPorts = 2
san:role = "CONTROLLER"
Here, we see the metadata network, the GUID of the primary (active) MDC, the name of the SAN, an array of serial numbers (if applicable – in a purely Mountain Lion/Mavericks SAN they aren’t), the owner info plugged in earlier and the metadata network interface being used.
Next, we’ll take a peak at the fsm process for each volume:
bash-3.2# ps aux | grep fsm
root 7030 0.7 0.7 2694708 62468 ?? Ss 10:18AM 0:03.08 /System/Library/Filesystems/acfs.fs/Contents/bin/fsm BettyWhite mdm.pretendco.lan 0
root 6834 0.1 0.0 2478548 2940 ?? S 10:10AM 0:01.37 fsmpm -- -- /var/run/fsmpm-sync.6800 1800
Next, we can look at the version rev:
bash-3.2# cvversions
File System Server:
Server Revision 4.3.2 Build 508[30118] Branch Head
Built for Darwin 13.0 x86_64
Created on Mon Oct 23 17:32:54 PDT 2013
Built in /SourceCache/XsanFS/XsanFS-508/buildinfo
File System Client:
Client Revision 4.3.2 Build 508[30118] Branch Head
Built for Darwin 13.0 x86_64
Created on Mon Oct 23 17:32:54 PDT 2013
Built in /SourceCache/XsanFS/XsanFS-508/buildinfo
Host OS Version:
Darwin 13.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 13.0.0: Oct Sep 23 22:22:27 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2422.1.72~6/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
No changes there. Next, we’ll check out the contents of /Library/Preferences/Xsan. First the volume configuration file:
bash-3.2# cat BettyWhite.cfg
# Globals
AllocationStrategy Round
FileLocks Yes
BufferCacheSize 32M
Debug 0x0
CaseInsensitive Yes
EnableSpotlight Yes
EnforceACLs Yes
SpotlightSearchLevel ReadWrite
FsBlockSize 16K
GlobalSuperUser Yes
InodeCacheSize 8K
InodeExpandMin 0
InodeExpandInc 0
InodeExpandMax 0
InodeDeleteMax 0
InodeStripeWidth 0
JournalSize 16M
MaxConnections 139
MaxLogSize 10M
MaxLogs 4
NamedStreams Yes
Quotas Yes
QuotaHistoryDays 7
ThreadPoolSize 256
UnixIdFabricationOnWindows Yes
UnixNobodyUidOnWindows -2
UnixNobodyGidOnWindows -2
WindowsSecurity Yes
# Disk Types
[DiskType LUN2Type]
Sectors 488355807
SectorSize 512
# Disks
[Disk LUN2]
Type LUN2Type
Status UP
# Stripe Groups
[StripeGroup All]
Status Up
StripeBreadth 16
Metadata Yes
Journal Yes
Exclusive No
Read Enabled
Write Enabled
Rtmb 0
Rtios 0
RtmbReserve 0
RtiosReserve 0
RtTokenTimeout 0
MultiPathMethod Rotate
Node LUN2 0
Affinity All
The above is not the XML I was thinking we’d see in Mavericks, but the same format and variables previously available. The configuration for the SAN itself is XML though:
bash-3.2# cat config.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Charles Edge</string>
The automount file is a plist as well:
bash-3.2# cat automount.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
The aux-data is also a plist:
bash-3.2# cat BettyWhite-auxdata.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
And finally, cvadmin remains basically unchanged:
Xsanadmin (BettyWhite) > help
Command summary:
activate, debug, dirquotas, disks, down, fail, filelocks, fsmlist, help, latency-test, multipath, paths, proxy, qos, quit, quotas, quotacheck, quotareset, ras, repfl, repquota, repof, resetrpl, rollrj, select, show, start, stat, stop, up, who, ?
activate [<file_system_name> | <index_number>]
Activate a File System <file_system_name>.
This command may cause an FSM to activate.
If the FSM is already active, no action is taken.
debug [ [+/-] <value> ]
Get or Set (with <value>) the FSS Debug Flags.
Enter debug with no value to get current setting and bit meanings.
Value should be a valid number. Use 0x to indicate hexadecimal.
If the ‘+’ or ‘-‘ argument is used, only specified flags
will be modified.
‘+’ will set and ‘-‘ will disable the given flags.
dirquotas <create|mark|destroy> <directoryname>
The ‘create’ command turns the given directory into the root of a
Directory Quota namespace. The command will not return until the
current size value of the directory is tallied up. The ‘mark’
command also turns the given directory into the root of a
Directory Quota namespace, but the current size value is left
uninitialized. The command ‘quotacheck’ should be run later to
initialize it. The ‘destroy’ command destroys the namespace
associated with the given directory. The directory’s contents
are left unchanged.
disks [refresh]
Display the acfs Disk volumes visible to this machine.
If the optional “refresh” is used, the volumes will.
be re-scanned by the fsmpm.
disks [refresh] fsm
Display the acfs meta-data Disk volumes in use by the fsm.
If the optional “refresh” is used, additional paths to these
volumes may be added by the fsm.
down <groupname>
Bring down stripe group <groupname>.
fail [<file_system_name> | <index_number>]
Failover a File System <file_system_name>.
This command may cause a stand by FSM to activate.
If the FSM is already active, the FSM will
shut down. A stand-by FSM will take over or the
FSM will be re-launched if it is stand-alone.
fsmlist [<file_system_name>] [on <hostname or IP address>]
Display the state of FSM processes, running or not.
Optionally specify a single <file_system_name> to display.
Optionally specify the host name or IP address of the system
to list the FSM process(es) on.
help (?) This message.
latency-test [<index_number> | all] [<seconds>]
Run an I/O latency test between the FSM process and one
client or all clients. The default test duration is
2 seconds.
multipath <groupname> < balance | cycle | rotate | static | sticky >
Change the Multi Path method for stripe group <groupname>
to “balance”, “cycle”, “rotate”, “static”, or “sticky”.
Display the acfs Disk volumes visible to this machine
grouped according to the “controller” identity.
proxy [ long ]
proxy who <hostname>
Display Disk Proxy Servers, and optionally the disks
they serve, for this filesystem
The “who” option displays all proxy connections
for the specified host.
qos Display per-stripe group QOS statistics.
quit Exit
Query cluster-wide file/record lock enforcement.
Enter filelocks with no value to get current setting.
Currently Cluster flocks are automatically used on Unix.
Windows file/record locks are optional.
Get the current state of the quota system
quotas get <user|group|dir|dirfiles> <name>
Get quota parameters for user, group, or directory <name>.
quotas set <user|group|dir|dirfiles> <name> <hardlim> <softlim> <timelim>
Set current quota parameters for user, group, or directory
<name>. <name> can be the name of a user or group or the
path to a directory. For users and groups, it can also be an
integer interpreted as a uid or gid. Setting the hardlim,
softlim, and timelim to 0 disables quota enforcement for that user,
group, or directory. The values for hardlim and softlim are
expressed in bytes when setting user, group, or dir values. When
setting dirfiles values, they are numbers of regular file inodes.
The value for timelim is expressed in minutes.
Recalculate the amount of space consumed (the current
size field of the quota record) by all users,
groups, and directory namespaces in the file system. This
command can be run on an active file system although file
updates (writes, truncates, etc.) will be delayed until
quotacheck has completed.
Like quotacheck, but deletes the quota database before
performing the check. All limits and directory namespaces
will be lost. Use with extreme caution.
ras enq <event> “detail string”
Generate an SNFS RAS event. For internal use only.
ras enq <event> <reporting FRU> <violating FRU> “detail string”
Generate a generic RAS event. For internal use only.
Generate quota reports for all users, groups, and directory
namespaces in the file system. Three files are generated:
1. quota_report.txt – a “pretty” text file report.
2. quota_report.csv – a comma delimited report
suitable for Excel spreadsheets.
3. – a list of cvadmin commands that
can be used to set up an identical quota database
on another Xsan.
Generate a report of currently held locks
on all connected acfs clients.
Generate a report of currently open files
on all connected acfs clients.
resetrpl [clear]
Repopulate Reverse Path Lookup (RPL) information.
The optional “clear” argument causes existing
RPL data to be cleared before starting repopulation.
Note: “resetrpl” is only available when cvadmin is
invoked with the -x option. Running resetrpl
may significantly delay FSM activation. This command
is not intended for general use. Only run “resetrpl”
when recommended by Technical Support.
restartd <daemon> [once]
Stop and start the <daemon> process.
For internal use only.
Force the FSM to start a new restore journal.
This command is only used on a managed file system
select [<file_system_name> | <index_number> | none]
Select the active File System <file_system_name>.
Typing “select none” will de-select the current FSS.
If the FSM is inactive (standing by) it cannot be selected.
Using this command with no argument shows all active FSSs.
show [ <groupname> ] [ long ]
Show all stripe groups or a specific stripe group <groupname>.
Adding the modifier “long” shows more verbose information.
start <file_system_name> [on] [<hostname or IP address>]
Start the File System Service for <file_system_name>.
When running on an HA MDC, the local service is started and
then an attempt is made to start the service on the peer MDC.
Optionally specify the hostname or IP address to start the
FSM on that MDC only.
startd <daemon> [once]
Start the <daemon> process.
For internal use only.
stat Display the general status of the file system.
stats <client IP addr> [clear]
Display read/write statistics for the file system.
If clear, zero the stats after printing.
stop <file_system_name> [on] [<hostname or IP address>] | <index_number>
Stop the File System Services for <file_system_name>
or <index_number>. Stopping by name without specifying a
hostname will stop all instances of the service, and will
cancel any pending restart of the service on the local system.
Stopping by name on a particular system will stop or cancel
a restart of the service on that system. Stopping by
number only stops the service associated with the index.
Indexes are displayed on the left side as “nn>” when.
using the “select” command.
stopd <daemon>
Stop the <daemon> process.
For internal use only.
up <groupname>
Bring up stripe group <groupname>.
If there are no stripe groups that have exclusively numeric names,
the stripe group index number shown in the “show” command may be
used in place of <groupname>.
who [<index_number>] [long]
List clients attached to file system.
In the short form, “who” returns the following information:
– acfs I.D. – Client License Identifier
– Type – Type of client connection
FSM – File System Manager (FSM) connection
ADM – Administrative (cvadmin) connection
CLI – File system client connection. May be
followed by a CLI type character:
S – Disk Proxy Server
C – Disk Proxy Client
H – Disk Proxy Hybrid Client
– Location – Client’s hostname or IP address
– Up Time – Total time client has been connected to FSM
– License Expires – Date client’s license will expire
In the long form, “who” returns network path, build, latency
and reconnect information, if available.
Administrative and FSM clients return a limited set of information.
Xsanadmin (BettyWhite) > select
List FSS
File System Services (* indicates service is in control of FS):
1>*BettyWhite[0] located on (pid 7030)