Microsoft Exchange Server,  Windows Server

Script to Create Exchange Mailboxes for Active Directory Users Based On OU

Here’s a little powershell script to enable mailboxes based on an OU and put their new mailbox into a given database. To customize, change OU=ORGANIZATIONALUNIT,DC=companyname,DC=com to the DN for the OU you are configuring. Also, change DATABASENAME to the name of the information store that you’d like to use for the mailboxes in that OU.

Import-module activedirectory

$OUusers = Get-ADUser -LDAPfilter ‘(name=*)’ -searchBase {OU=ORGANIZATIONALUNIT,DC=companyname,DC=com}
foreach($username in $OUusers)
Enable-Mailbox -Identity $username.SamAccountName -database {DATABASENAME}