Xsan and the acfs (Apple Clustered File System) volumes that Xsan controls can be utilized by Windows and Linux clients. The Windows setup is fairly straight forward, so here we’re going to cover setting up a Linux client to mount an Xsan volume using StorNext. First, buy StorNext. Second, register StorNext.
Then, go to your Metadata Controller and Backup Metadata Controller and use the cvfsid command. Copy the contents and go to this site, completing the form using the output from cvfsid:
Now put the information that Quantum sends you into the /Library/FileSystems/Xsan/config/license.dat file on your Metadata Controllers and reboot them. Now you’re ready to setup your clients. To do so you will need the .auth_secret file and fsnameservers file from the Metadata Controllers and the StorNext rpm client installer.
From each client, first verify that you can ping the Metadata Controllers. Then, extract the rpm:
tar xf sn_dsm_linuxRedHat40AS_x86_64_client.tar.gz (or you could use gunzip to extract)
Next, install the rpm:
rpm -ivh sn_dsm_linuxRedHat40AS_x86_64_client.tar
Now copy the .auth_secret file and fsnameservers file to the /usr/cvfs/config directory created by the installer. Then use the cvlabel -l command to verify that you can see all of the LUNs that make up the volume. Also verify that you can ping both (or all if you have more than 2) of the Metadata Controllers by IP address. Finally, add cvfs to the list of file systems in the PRUNEFS field in the /etc/updatedb.conf file.
Now you’re ready to try and mount up the volume. To do so, let’s create a folder in the /mnt directory called the same thing as your volume name (for this example we’ll use a volume name of Xsan). Next, open your /etc/fstab and add the following line:
Xsan /mnt/Xsan cvfs verbose=yes 0 0
Now try and mount the volume using the following command:
mount -t cvfs Xsan /mnt/Xsan
If it works then you can reboot and life will be good. If the entry in the fstab causes any problems you can put a # in front of it to disable it. Enjoy!