Before I get started, I just want to point out that the old commands all still work. There are some newer things, but nothing earth shattering. Let’s start out with what’s actually available in the Server Admin CLI: serveradmin. The serveradmin command, followed by settings, followed by san shows a few pieces of information: bash-3.2# serveradmin settings san san:computers = _empty_array san:primaryController = "95C99FB1-80F2-5016-B9C3-BE3916E6E5DC" san:ownerEmail = "" san:sanName = "krypted" san:desiredSearchPolicy:_array_index:0 = "" san:serialNumbers = _empty_array san:dsType = 0 san:ownerName = "Charles Edge" san:managePrivateNetwork = yes san:metadataNetwork = "" san:numberOfFibreChannelPorts = 2 san:role = "CONTROLLER" Here, we see the metadata network, the GUID of the primary (active) MDC, the name…
Xsan: Adding Client Computers
Now that you have created your volume you will want to move on to adding computers that can access your volume. This is one place where Xsan 2 is very different than Xsan 1.x. To add a computer that has access to your volume, click on Computers in your SAN Assets list. From here, click on the + sign in the lower right hand corner of your screen. This will invoke a list of computers that have the Xsan software installed (as can be seen below). You can add clients of 1.4.2 or 2.x to your SAN. You can also add clients running 10.5.0 through 10.5.2; however, you will receive…