For many environments, securing OS X is basically trying to make the computer act more like an iOS device. Some of the easier tasks involve disabling access to certain apps, sandboxing and controlling access to certain features. One of the steps en route to building an iOS-esque environment in OS X is to disable that Go to Folder… option. To do so, set the ProhibitGoToFolder key as true in defaults write ProhibitGoToFolder -bool true Then reboot, or kill the Finder: killall Finder To undo, set the ProhibitGoToFolder as false: defaults write ProhibitGoToFolder -bool false
Showing iTunes Track & Song Titles In The Dock
When I’m writing, I like to listen to music in the background. When writing, I also like to have everything minimized so I can quickly grab a screenshot of the desktop where needed. This means that when I run into a track that doesn’t work with whatever I’m writing that I would need to unminimize iTunes, click the next button and then re-minimize iTunes. Awhile back I found a better way but can’t remember where for attribution. So, part of my default user template and imaging framework now includes setting the iTunes Dock icon to show the track that I’m playing so I can easily go to the next song,…
A Better Way To Paste Addresses from Mail
One of my little irritations about OS X just got easier. When I’m using Mail and I copy and email address and paste it somewhere, it has the name of the contact bracing the email address wrapped with a . This is a royal pain. I am pretty sure that every single flippin’ time I’ve removed the cruft around the email address. While digging around in I noticed a key for AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard that was set to True. Holy crap. Change to False and this minor irritation is gone. Viola, OS X is now even better: defaults write AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard -bool FALSE To set it back: defaults write AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard…
Dock Highlighting
You click on an icon in the dock that brings up a grid of the items in the list and then you click on one of the items in that list. But I like the way the rest of the dock operates, where I know what I’m moused over (is moused the verb of mousy?). And I sometimes click on the wrong one, which is why it’s nice to highlight one. To do so, run this command: defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean yes And then: killall Dock To go back to the way things were before: defaults write mouse-over-hilite-stack -boolean no And then: killall Dock