The other day I saw someone remove the Dashboard icon from the Dock as a way of disabling it entirely. Probably not the best route. It’s pretty easy though. The command to disable: defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean yes And of course if you’ve disabled, you might want to turn it back on using this handy-dandy double-negative: defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean no
- Widget
Tired of firing up a browser to view my site? Well, here’s a widget you can use to quickly view content without ever having to open the site. Simply download the widget here, double-click on it and you will then be able to view the articles on this site through Dashboard.
Widgets: Searchlight
So in OS X there is a widget called Searchlight. I realize I don’t talk about things like widgets much. But this one really caught my interest. Why? Well, it takes your spotlight index and makes it accessible to machines remotely. So you can search your computer at home quickly or even through an iPhone. Very interesting concept. Playing with it now.