• Mac OS X,  Mac Security

    Use UTM To Run Virtual Machines of macOS from macOS

    UTM is a virtualization tool available on the Mac App Store at https://apps.apple.com/us/app/utm-virtual-machines/id1538878817?mt=12 with a GitHub at https://github.com/osy. UTM uses the new virtualization framework (documented here) from Apple, so runs the most modern virtualization stack currently available on a Mac. It also emulates via the QEMU system emulation. It can run guest operating systems in Windows, Linux, etc – emulating RISC, ARM, Intel, etc. Installation from the App Store is easy. Once installed, open the UTM app and click on the plus sign to create a new virtual machine. Here, there are options to Virtualize or Emulate. Given that we’ll be installing a beta OS from Apple for this example,…