• Mac OS X


    Crowdsourcing is a nice buzzword, but there is a little something behind it. I’ve been using an application called SubEthaEdit for a long time. In fact, when Zack and I sat down to build the outline for the Enterprise book from Apress, we wrote the outline using SubEthaEdit. It later ended up in OmniOutliner and ultimately as the starting point for the documents that comprise each chapter of the book, but the original text was made by the two of us on our laptops at the same time. SubEthaEdit is a text editor. But it allows multiple people to edit a text document concurrently. It has support for code or…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Unix

    The Basics of pico (or nano)

    At your Unix shell prompt, type: pico filename Replace filename with the name of the file you want to create or edit. For example, to create a file and name it indiana.txt, type: pico charles.txt If the file already exits, Pico opens it for you to edit. If it doesn’t exist yet, Pico creates it and places you in an editing buffer. Pico displays a menu bar of commonly-used commands at the bottom of the screen. Pico accepts commands from your keyboard but not from your mouse. To insert text into your Pico editing screen at the cursor, just begin typing. Pico inserts the text to the left of the…