• Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security

    Replace the VPN Server from macOS Server

    Export macOS Server DataWe’re not going to import this, as it only takes a few seconds to configure new settings. Additionally, if you have outstanding services built on macOS Server, you might be able to pull this off without touching client systems. First, let’s grab  which protocols are enabled, running the following from Terminal: sudo serveradmin settings vpn:Servers:com.apple.ppp.pptp:enabled sudo serveradmin settings vpn:Servers:com.apple.ppp.l2tp:enabled Next, we’ll get the the IP ranges used so we can mimic those (or change them) in the new service: sudo serveradmin settings vpn:Servers:com.apple.ppp.pptp:IPv4:DestAddressRanges Now let’s grab the DNS servers handed out so those can be recreated: sudo serveradmin settings vpn:Servers:com.apple.ppp.pptp:DNS:OfferedServerAddresses:_array_indexsudo serveradmin settings vpn:Servers:com.apple.ppp.l2tp:DNS:OfferedServerAddresses:_array_index Finally, if you’re using…

  • Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security

    Configure The Adaptive Firewall In macOS Server 5.4 for High Sierra

    macOS Server 5.4 running on High Sierra (macOS 10.13) has an adaptive firewall built in, or a firewall that controls incoming access based on clients attempting to abuse the server. The firewall automatically blocks incoming connections that it considers to be dangerous. For example, if a client attempts too many incorrect logins then a firewall rule restricts that user from attempting to communicate with the server for 15 minutes. If you’re troubleshooting and you accidentally tripped up one of these rules then it can be a bit frustrating. Which is why Apple gives us afctl, a tool that interacts with the adaptive firewall. To enable the adaptive firewall, use the -f…

  • Mac OS X Server

    Configure The Mail Service In macOS Server 5.4

    Mail is one of the hardest services to manage. Actually, mail is pretty simple in and of itself: there’s protocols people use to access their mail (such as IMAP and POP), protocols used to communicate between mail servers and send mail (SMTP, SMTPS) and then there’s a database of mail and user information. In macOS Server 5.4 for High Sierra, all of these are represented by a single ON button, so it really couldn’t be easier, once you can just enter email addresses into the Users section. But then there’s the ecoysystem and the evil spammers. They’re totally the worst. Like ever. As the former systems administrator of a large number…

  • Mac OS X

    Enable Push Notifications In macOS Server 5.4 On High Sierra

    Push Notifications can be used in most every service that macOS Server 5.4 (for High Sierra) can run. Any service that requiring Push Notifications will often provide the ability to setup APNS during the configuration of the service. But at this point, I usually just set up Push Notifications when I setup a new server. To enable Push Notifications for services, you’ll first need to have a valid AppleID. Once you have an AppleID, open the Server app and then click on the name of the server. Then click on the Settings screen and click on the checkbox for Notifications. At the Settings screen for your server, click on the check-box for…

  • Mac OS X Server

    Use DNS To Improve Caching Service Discoverability

    Clients discover the Apple Caching service bundled with macOS Server (and in the future macOS) automatically. You can create a text recored for _aaplcache._tcp on your DNS server. That would look _aaplcache._tcp 518400 IN TXT “prs=” Name: _aaplcache._tcp with a type of TXT and a TTL of 518400 seconds. The prs is the address to be used and is set to a value using prs=

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server

    Update Ruby to Install Rails on macOS 5.3 Server

    I thought there might be an easier way to do this. So there’s this binary called serverrails that I assumed would install rails – no wait, actually it’s a ruby script that tells me to ‘gem install rails’ – which fails: cat `which serverrails` #!/usr/bin/ruby # Stub rails command to load rails from Gems or print an error if not installed. require 'rubygems' version = ">= 0" if ARGV.first =~ /^_(.*)_$/ and Gem::Version.correct? $1 then version = $1 ARGV.shift end begin gem 'railties', version or raise rescue Exception puts 'Rails is not currently installed on this system. To get the latest version, simply type:' puts puts ' $ sudo gem…

  • Mac OS X Server

    serverdiagnose Your Server Logs

    Servers can have problems. When they have problems, you need to grab logs and stuff. Ever wonder what Apple developers think is important, when it comes to logs and stuff? Try serverdiagnose! serverdiagnose Then hit the Enter (return) key. Then it collects some logs into a tgz. Why a tgz? No clue. But it ends up in /tmp. Notice the name as ServerLogs- followed by the hostname, then a date stamp (yearmonthday) and an underscore followed by a timestamp. Inside the tgz is /Library/Logs, /Library/Server, /tmp/dsdiagnose (a dump of OD debug logs), serverlogs_S3vKsy (configuration statuses), a couple of things from /var/db (the most important of which is PreviousSystemLogs), and /var/log.

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Time Machine

    Manage Time Machine Server In macOS Server 5.2

    The Time Machine service in macOS Server 5.2 hasn’t changed much from the service in previous operating systems. To enable the Time Machine service, open the Server app, click on Time Machine in the SERVICES sidebar. If the service hasn’t been enabled to date, the ON/OFF switch will be in the OFF position and no “Backup destination” will be shown in the Settings pane. Click on the ON button to see the New Destination screen, used to configure a list of volumes as a destinations for Time Machine backups. The selection volume should be large enough to have space for all of the users that can potentially use the Time Machine…

  • Mac OS X Server

    Using The Messages Service In macOS Server 5.2

    Getting started with Messages Server couldn’t really be easier. Messages Server in the macOS Server 5.2 version of the Server app uses the open source jabber project as their back-end code base. The jabber binary is located at /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/private/var/jabberd directory and the autobuddy binary is at /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/bin/jabber_autobuddy. The actual jabberd binary is also stored at /Applications/Server.app/Contents/ServerRoot/usr/libexec/jabberd, where there are a couple of perl scripts used to migrate the service between various versions as well. Setting up the Messages service is simple. Open the Server app and click on Messages in the Server app sidebar.  Click on the Edit… button for the Permissions. Here, define which users and interfaces are allowed to…