• Mac OS X

    Mac OS X: screencapture

    You can capture screenshots from the command line using the screencapture command. Basically just typing screencapture followed by the path and name of the file to be created will result in a capture of the entire screen.  You can also use -c to capture to the clipboard instead of to a file (or Command-Shift-3 if you’re in the GUI).  By default screencapture does not get the mouse.  You can add the mouse location and pointer to your screenshot using the -C option in your command. Because you have multiple monitors in many cases you may only want to capture a single monitor.  You can specify that using the -m option.…

  • Mac OS X

    Changing the Screenshot Location in OS X

    Each user in Mac OS X can customize the location that their screenshots (aka screencaptures) will go. To do so you would edit the com.apple.screencapture property list, customizing the location key. You can easily edit this file using the defaults command. For example, if we wanted to set the location to go to a folder called screenshots in the home directory of a user we could use the following command: defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/screenshots You can also change the default type of screenshot which I cover here https://krypted.com//mac-os-x/mac-os-x-changing-the-default-screen-shot-format.