• Mac OS X,  Mass Deployment

    Pushing Additions to CoRD from Shell

    Since I already started down this path, we can also push out information for a Windows box therefore programatically allowing you to push updates to two programs and be able to manage all your boxen.  You would push something along the following (creating a file that matches your naming convention followed by .rdp): connect to console:i:0 bitmapcachepersistenable:i:1 redirectdrives:i:0 disable wallpaper:i:1 disable full window drag:i:1 disable menu anims:i:1 disable themes:i:0 audiomode:i:0 desktopwidth:i:1024 desktopheight:i:768 session bpp:i:16 cord save password:i:0 startdisplay:i:0 cord fullscreen:i:0 cord row index:i:2 full address:s: username:s:charles domain:s: cord label:s:charles So programatically you can change any of the settings by replacing it with a variable.  Therefore, in a script if we…