A number of PresSTORE backup servers also provide other services in the environments they are installed in. Therefore, restarting PresSTORE services without restarting the host that runs the PresSTORE services can be done via the command line so that you don’t have to restart the server that is doing backups. To stop the PresSTORE server agent, use the stop-server command stored in /usr/local/aw: sudo /usr/local/aw/stop-server To the restart the server, use the start-server command, stored in the same location: /usr/local/aw/start-server The restart can also be done as a different user by invoking the -u operator followed by (and therefore defining) a user. The server occasionally stops itself for internal housecleaning,…
Managing SyncPlans from the PresSTORE CLI
PresSTORE has a Synchronize module, that can be used to copy data from one location to another. This is done by the use of synchronization plans, or sync plans for short. Each plan is given a name and has a number of attributes associated with it, such as whether it is enabled or disabled. PresSTORE has a command line interface called nsdchat that is available at /usr/local/asw. To run it in interactive mode you can run the following command: /usr/local/asw/nsdchat From here, you can use the SyncPlan command to interface with the plans that you have created. To see a list of plans you will use the SyncPlan command from…
Mac Enterprise Backup Whitepaper
The basic steps to use BRU, Tivoli, Atempo, Bakbone and PresSTORE are all covered in the latest edition of Michael Dhaliwal’s Enterprise Backup Whitepaper, available on his personal site.