DigiNotar got hacked awhile back. And more and more issues seem to continue to surface as a result (most notably spoofing Google). Read this article for more info on it, but I’m not gonna’ rehash it all right now. Instead, let’s correct it. To do so, we’ll use the security command. Then we’ll use the delete-certificate option along with the -Z operator, which allows inputing (or outputting when installing certificates) a SHA1 has of a certificate. Root Certificates (those that appear under the System Roots section of the Keychain Access application) are all located in the /System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain keychain and so we’ll specify that as well: sudo security delete-certificate -Z C060ED44CBD881BD0EF86C0BA287DDCF8167478C…
Mac OS X: Using the Command Line to Install a pkg
To use the command line to install a package, use the following command: installer -pkg ./<package name> -target/
Positional Parameters and Packaging
When packaging it is worth note that Apple reserves some positional paremeters for your scripts. These are defined at http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/SoftwareDistribution/Install_Operations/Install_Operations.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000145i-CH14-SW1 They include: $1: Path to the package $2: Path to the destination. $3: Installation volume. $4: Root directory