• Network Infrastructure,  Small Business,  Synology

    Update Packages on Synology

    Services that run on a Synology are constantly being updated. Software updates for the binaries and other artifacts can quickly and easily be updated. To do so, open the Synology web interface and then open Package Center. From Package Center, click Update for each or Update All to upgrade all services at once, as seen below.You will then be prompted to verify that you want to run the update. Any services that are being updated will restart and so end users might find those services unresponsive or have to log back in after the service comes back online.

  • Java

    Set Up A Quick Maven Project

    Maven can be as simple or as complicated as you’d like. The maven command line interface is mvn. You can quickly find the version using the –version option: mvn –version This is useful for a lot, but most notably to see where Maven is, which is in the home line. You can then create a project by using the archetype:generate option. Let’s say I wanted to create an artifactID of Precache with a standard environment (DarchetypeArtifactId) that doesn’t need to be interactive. That would look as follows using the mvn command: mvn archetype:generate –DgroupId=com.precache –DartifactId=precache –DarchetypeArtifactId=maven–archetype–quickstart –DinteractiveMode=false This creates a directory in Maven with a full hierarchy that matches what maven will…