So there are actually 3 possible uses for Boolean variables in many cases. The first two are the traditional True/False aspects. The third though is null. So for example, rock paper and scissors. Rock can be true, paper can be false and scissors can be null. Could help to cut way down on lookup times in SQL…
MySQL: Allow Incoming Access
Edit the user record in the mysql.user table, giving it access to connect to the mysql server from an external host by running the following command at the MySQL interface grant all privileges on *.* to ‘user’@’IPADDRESS’ identified by ‘password’ with GRANT OPTION; specify the user, IPADDRESS and password you’d like to use in that command and you’re good to go.
Setting up MySQL Clustering with UltraMonkey
Installing Joomla! on Mac OS X Server
I originally posted this at 1. Enable MySQL. 2. Create a database in MySQL called joomladb. 3. Create a new user called jadmin that has full priviledges to this database (the user does not need to be called jadmin, but that is the username we will be using for this walkthrough). 4. Download the latest stable release of Joomla. 5. Extract the tar files into a new folder (for this example we are going to call it joomla to keep things easy). 6. Make the following folders writeable for Joomla administrator/backups/ administrator/components/ administrator/modules/ administrator/templates/ cache/ components/ images/ images/banners/ images/stories/ language/ mambots/ mambots/content/ mambots/editors/ mambots/editors-xtd/ mambots/search/ media/ modules/ templates/ 7.…
What is MySQL?
MySQL is a relational database management system. MySQL is a daemon, mysqld, that can listen for network traffic on port 3306. That daemon runs a database (or a number of databases in most cases) that warehouse data for other applications to utilize.
High Availability in Mac OS X
AFP548 did a great little article on high availability in Mac OS X environments: