I’ve been using metasploit for a long time, but it’s not something I use daily. So I started a notes doc on it a long time ago. Here’s that doc. <3 The setup (dependencies install mostly via homebrew for Mac or use whatever other dependency/package manager for others): Install homebrew if needed: ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" brew install libxml2,nmap,ruby21 brew install postresql --without-ossp-uuid git clone https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework.git /usr/local/share/metasploit-framework To launch the Metasploit console: ./msfconsole To update: msfupdate From within the console, use the show verb to see a list of all Encoders, NOP Generators, Exploits, and Payloads: show To just show payloads: Show payloads Set your exploit (from the list…