Before I get started, I just want to point out that the old commands all still work. There are some newer things, but nothing earth shattering. Let’s start out with what’s actually available in the Server Admin CLI: serveradmin. The serveradmin command, followed by settings, followed by san shows a few pieces of information: bash-3.2# serveradmin settings san san:computers = _empty_array san:primaryController = "95C99FB1-80F2-5016-B9C3-BE3916E6E5DC" san:ownerEmail = "" san:sanName = "krypted" san:desiredSearchPolicy:_array_index:0 = "" san:serialNumbers = _empty_array san:dsType = 0 san:ownerName = "Charles Edge" san:managePrivateNetwork = yes san:metadataNetwork = "" san:numberOfFibreChannelPorts = 2 san:role = "CONTROLLER" Here, we see the metadata network, the GUID of the primary (active) MDC, the name…
For those concerned about the disappearance of the highly rack dense systems that are fibre channel enabled from Apple’s portfolio, now there is ActiveSAN:
Defining MultiSAN
In Xsan 2, MultiSAN was introduced. MultiSAN allows you to assign different sets of primary, secondary and tertiary metadata controllers to volumes. This provides a performance benefit for some environments that have saturated resources on a given metadata controller. However, MultiSAN does not allow you to build separate SANs. All of the volumes are still members of that single “Xsan”, meaning that volumes can be mounted and/or controlled for any of the clients. You can have 2 volumes, each with a dedicated metadata controller, but both sharing a single backup metadata controller. You can also have 2 volumes, each with a dedicated metadata controller that fails over to the other…