There are a number of Xsan troubleshooting scenarios that seem to call for uninstalling and reinstalling the Xsan software to resolve client configuration issues. If you are looking at a configuration issue, such as a single client not mounting a volume then you don’t actually have to uninstall the software, reinstall the software, run Software Update and then reboot and attempt to readd the client to Xsan Admin on the MDC and then attempt to mount. That’s a lot of crap when one step will reset a client back to how it was before it ever joined its first Xsan. Just delete the contents of the /Library/Filesystems/Xsan/config folder (but not…
Xsan: Zoning and Metadata
Only the MDCs are required to see the Metadata LUN. The rest of the clients receive the extents from the MDCs to write to the “data” LUNs. Yes the clients need to see the Data LUNs, but clients do not need to see Metadata LUNs. Before you can upgrade a client to an MDC though, verify that you can see the Metadata LUNs if you are zoning this way. It’s the most secure way but requires a little extra zoning.