Mail is one of the hardest services to manage. Actually, mail is pretty simple in and of itself: there’s protocols people use to access their mail (such as IMAP and POP), protocols used to communicate between mail servers and send mail (SMTP, SMTPS) and then there’s a database of mail and user information. In macOS Server 5.4 for High Sierra, all of these are represented by a single ON button, so it really couldn’t be easier, once you can just enter email addresses into the Users section. But then there’s the ecoysystem and the evil spammers. They’re totally the worst. Like ever. As the former systems administrator of a large number…
The Roundcube Installer for Server 5 Is Available
I thought I posted this previously, but it doesn’t appear as though I did. Server 5, Roundcube installer. Get better mail on OS X Server if you’re misguided enough to use the service. 🙂
2 New Take Control Books
From Take Control: Apple Mail. It’s hard to get by on a Mac or iOS device without it. But living with Mail can be a recipe for hair-pulling frustration, whether because of connection failures caused by Mail’s mysteriously unreliable automatic settings detection or trying to figure out the difference between long and short swipes in the iOS version. No one knows more about Mail than Joe Kissell, and he has distilled his most important advice into the second edition of “Take Control of Apple Mail,” now completely revised and updated to explain Mail in 10.10 Yosemite and iOS 8. 183 pages of goodness is only $15. Point others here > Apple’s…
Roundcube for OS X Server
The latest Roundcube installer for OS X Server is now available at This update, which provides a pretty awesome WebMail interface to OS X Server’s Mail Service provides the following: One installer that supports all Mavericks and Yosemite Roundcube WebMail 1.0.3 installed as a WebApp Automatically Configured Plugins Roundcube CardDav: Server-based address books Roundcube Managesieve: Server-side mail filtering and vacation messages PHP and Roundcube Config automatically configured for a typical Mac installation sqllite database – we no longer use Postgres Integration with the Mail Service running on OS X Server
Configure The OS X Yosemite Server Mail Service
Mail is one of the hardest services to manage. Actually, mail is pretty simple in and of itself: there’s protocols people use to access their mail (such as IMAP and POP), protocols used to communicate between mail servers and send mail (SMTP, SMTPS) and then there’s a database of mail and user information. In Mavericks Server, all of these are represented by a single ON button, so it really couldn’t be easier. But then there’s the ecoysystem and the evil spammers. As a systems administrator of a large number of mail servers, I firmly believe that there is a special kind of hell where only spam is served at every…
Mail Chapter of Take Control of OS X Server Now Available
The Mail Server chapter of the Take Control book is now available up on I’m always torn when it comes to writing chapters on setting up mail servers. Is it socially irresponsible to help people potentially (but accidentally) create spam bots…
Setting Up The Mail Service in Mountain Lion Server
Mail is one of the hardest services to manage. Actually, mail is pretty simple in and of itself: there’s protocols people use to access their mail (such as IMAP and POP), protocols used to communicate between mail servers and send mail (SMTP, SMTPS) and then there’s a database of mail and user information. In Mount Lion Server, all of these are represented by a single ON button, so it really couldn’t be easier. But then there’s the ecoysystem and the evil spammers. As a systems administrator of a large number of mail servers, I firmly believe that there is a special kind of hell where only spam is served at…
A Better Way To Paste Addresses from Mail
One of my little irritations about OS X just got easier. When I’m using Mail and I copy and email address and paste it somewhere, it has the name of the contact bracing the email address wrapped with a . This is a royal pain. I am pretty sure that every single flippin’ time I’ve removed the cruft around the email address. While digging around in I noticed a key for AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard that was set to True. Holy crap. Change to False and this minor irritation is gone. Viola, OS X is now even better: defaults write AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard -bool FALSE To set it back: defaults write AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard…
Removing 'serveradmin settings' Entries in OS X Server
I frequently write about adding entries in OS X Servers configuration database using serveradmin. But there are a lot of causes for various symptoms in OS X and trying some post of mine might end up biting you later, if it doesn’t fix your problem and you end up leaving the keys in place in OS X Server. Therefore, let’s look at something I might tell you to do, such as set a mail relay host from serveradmin: serveradmin settings mail:postfix:smtp_auth_relay_dict:smtp_auth_relay_host = Once the setting has been configured, you might want to get rid of it outright. Now, this one happens to be exposed in the GUI, so you…