• Mac Security

    Internet Security 101

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal “We’re not a high profile target.” We’ve heard it countless times before, but that argument just doesn’t hold up any more. There are malicious applications out there that scan entire chunks of the internet for computers that are vulnerable to specific attacks. Most small businesses hold the position that because they are not a “high profile target”, such attacks do not represent a threat to them. In terms of modern security, the attitude of “We’re not NASA, and therefore our information is not confidential enough to protect”, just doesn’t hold up. The security attacks described in this article are sometimes less about your competition…

  • Mac Security


    Ever been hacked? Had information stolen? Who do you turn to? What do you do? No matter what the level, a security breech has occurred and action must be taken to ensure a repeat offense doesn’t happen. The first reaction to a security breech is to isolate it and fix it as soon as possible. However, writing to the systems in any way can cause clues to be overwritten. Therefore it is important to discover the identity of the attacker. The more quickly that forensic analysis is performed the more likely that the attacker, vandal or thief will be apprehended. One of the best places to start in analysis is…