• Mass Deployment,  Unix

    LISA 2008

    No, this isn’t the new version of my wife (although there is a new version out and it’s awesome;).  Instead, LISA’08 is the 22nd year of the Large Installation System Administration conference in San Diego California.  LISA runs from November 9 to November 14th of 2008 and looks to be a conference those who do mass deployment might not want to miss.  The biggee this year is virtualization: ESX, ESX 3i, Xen, etc.  But there are alos talks on security, forensics, the Linux Kernel, Performance tools for Solaris and Linux, Perl mods, network performance tuning, wireshark, diskless Linux, SELinux, mass deployment of database servers, disk-to-disk backups for Unix, cfengine, directory…