• Ubuntu,  Unix

    Ubuntu Server 10 & Active Directory

    There are a number of different ways to join Linux systems into an Active Directory domain. One is to use winbind, a popular part of Samba often used for this purpose. However, having had success with the Likewise Open directory services plug-in for Mac I decided to give their Linux solution a shot as well. After all, it is free (as in beer). And I am glad I did (well, I wasn’t when I was using Ubuntu Server 10.10, but backing back down to 10.04 (which is LTS after all) made it all better. To get started, let’s run apt-get to grab and install the likewise-open package: apt-get -y install…

  • Active Directory,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment,  Ubuntu,  Unix

    Likewise Open 5.3 Supports Snow Leopard

    Likewise 5.3 supports Snow Leopard at 32 or 64 bit! Likewise Open 5.3 is open source software that can be used to bind Mac OS X, Linux & Unix to Active Directory. Likewise Enterprise (which is not open source) starts with the Open client but allows leveraging Workgroup Manager or Active Directory Users & Computers to manage policies. If you haven’t already, check it out at www.likewise.com.