• Wearable Technology

    Set The Alarm On A Jawbone UP

    Setting the alarm on a Jawbone UP3 isn’t the most obvious of tasks. To set it up, open theĀ UP app on your phone. From the main screen, tap on the icon in the upper right corner, that looks like your UP. This brings up a slider and you’ll see a few options. One of which is the Smart Alarm. Tap on Smart Alarm to bring up the screen to configure the alarm. At the Smart Alarm screen, tap on the time and set it as desired. You can also use the plus sign option (+) to add additional alarms. Once set, click the checkmark option. Then, wakeup refreshed in the…

  • iPhone,  Travel,  Wearable Technology

    10 Advances In Wearable Technology Available Today

    First came food, shelter and clothing. Then came technology, innovating all three for thousands of years. But innovation in clothing stalled at some point. Once upon a time man make thicker clothing out of animals with thicker hides, better shoes and then armor. These helped to expand where we could go, when we could go there and how safe we were once we got there. But mankind has long sought using technology that is worn to make life better, from false teeth to eyeglasses. Moving into the somewhat more modern era, let’s look at 10 advances that, while more recent than throwing the hide of an animal that might have…