I am almost embarrassed how long this took me to figure out. FaceTime was missing on my iPhone 4. Apparently, if you upgrade from 3 to 4 it doesn’t automatically show up. Instead you need to go to Settings and then tap on the Phone settings. Right there, staring back at you is a screen that says FaceTime and it gives you the ability to turn it ON or OFF. Tap ON and it should reappear in your apps (required me to reboot to show up).
iPhone and Address Bar Icons
When you visit certain websites you may notice a new icon appear in the address bar of the site. I never really wanted one. But by default, when you add a site to the homepage of your iPhone (click on the plus sign in Safari and then click on Add to Home Screen), it will use that icon. Why do I care? I mean it’s not like anyone is likely to actually add this site to their home screen. But juuuuuust in case, I wanted it to have my spiffy new icon. You know, the one I spent at least 15 minutes building. Otherwise, when you add a page to…