• cloud

    HuffPost Article On Cool Things To Do With Google Drive

    I’ve been a huge fan of Google Apps for awhile. For this piece, I got a bit more specific and tried to focus on Google Drive. Obviously, there’s a lot of tie-ins with Google’s other products, given how much integration there is there. But, what I did here was really focus on the Google Drive bits. Hope you enjoy it! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/charles-edge/22-cool-things-you-can-do_b_9843122.html

  • cloud,  Mac OS X


    Google recently decided that it was time to force some other company to buy cloudy dispositioned upstarts, Dropbox and Box.net. Google also decided that Office365 represented Microsoft being a little too brazen in their attempts to counteract the inroads that Google has made into Microsoft territory. Therefor, Google thumped their chest and gave away 5GB of storage in Google Drive. Google then released a tool that synchronizes data stored on a Google Drive to Macs and Windows systems. Installing Google Drive is pretty easy. Just browse to Google Docs and Google will tell you that there’s this weird new Google Drive thing you should check out. Here, click on Download…