• Swift

    Swift, Shells In The 1960s, And Some Swift Scripting Examples For Admins

    The reason Ken Thompson wrote the Thompson Shell (/bin/sh) when he and the team at Bell Labs developed Unix was that they didn’t want to have to teach programming to people in the patent office, who funded the PDP they used to write Unix. Shell environments evolved over the years with tcsh, bash, and zsh to name a few. These added more concepts from programming environments, like the environment from C that the binaries they exposed were compiled in. Other languages emerged that were simpler than a language like C but added new techniques – and so perl, python, ruby, and others evolved. Some of those were either object-oriented from…

  • SQL

    Moar About SQL Wildcards

    Previously we looked at using wildcards in conjunction with the SQL LIKE operator. Wildcards allow you to search for data in a defined table. Think of them as text globbing for SQL. The wildcards available include the following: [list]: Define a ranges of characters for pattern matching [!charlist]: Matches only a character NOT specified within the brackets %: Require a single character/object in a pattern _: Allow any single character in a pattern In this article, we’ll use the same “Customers” table from our first articles: ID Site Contact Address City Zip Country 1 Krypted Charles Edge my house Minneapolis 55418 US 2 Apple Tim Cook spaceship Cupertino 95014 US 3 Microsoft Satya Nadella…