• Mac OS X

    Customizing the color and icons in the Dock

    So I had a request that involved something I had never actually thought or bothered to do: customize the finder icon in the dock…  I figured it would just be an image and therefore that it couldn’t actually be that difficult.  And I was correct.  Remarkably, the icon is actually called finder.png (you may have noticed that smaller iPhone and OS X images are almost always png files these days): /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/Resources/finder.png So I renamed it to finder.old using this command: sudo mv /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/Resources/finder.png  /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/Resources/finder.OLD Then grabbed a new png icon and threw it in the same place with the same name (in this case the logo was called UGA.png before and…